Soaring Heart Energies


Heal, Connect, Evolve, Explore

Reiki is a Japanese energy healing modality that promotes healing and relaxation. It channels Chi, Prana, or Universal life-force energy to a recipient while they rest comfortably. Reiki works gently to heal mind, body, and spirit at all levels: conscious and sub-conscious, mental, emotional, physical, and energetic. It's sort of like acupuncture without the needles!

Reiki is safe for everyone, complements all other healing modalities, and effectively treats anxiety, depression, insomnia, chronic or acute pain, PTSD, grief, burn-out, and much more. Reiki boosts your immune system and encourages your body to heal itself.

Reiki recipients feel lighter, brighter, and more relaxed after a session, and it is quite normal to fall asleep during treatment. Sensations range from tingling, wavy pressure, heat, and heavy or floaty limbs, to visions of colors or a sense of spiritual awareness. Stepping out of the busy Beta brainwave, that "Fight or Flight" response, and shifting to an Alpha or Theta brainwave and the "Rest and Restore" mode, allows your Parasympathetic Nervous System vital time to work its healing wonders.

Sessions last about one hour, and you stay fully dressed with the exception of your shoes. My Reiki is hands-off, not only to honor your personal space but also to encourage deep relaxation into that wonderful Theta state.

The healing benefits continue beyond the session, planting positive seeds empowering you to make healthier choices, raising your inner-peace baseline, and inviting you to pause and respond intentionally rather than just reacting to the ups and downs of life. Reiki can help you break habits that no longer serve you, find forgiveness and acceptance with challenging people and situations, release old wounds and traumas, and craft a life of clarity and joy.

Reiki sessions are typically enhanced with specific crystals, essential oils, tuning forks, and singing bowls to assist in clearing and balancing chakras. When your energy is flowing properly, you simply feel better!

Reiki is not a religion, does not conflict with any religious or spiritual framework, and does not require belief to be effective. The energy meets you where you are, and goes where you need it to go.

For many people, actually feeling the energetic sensations throughout the body during a session can ignite the question: if this is real, what else is? It can be a springboard for spiritual awakening, and fuel personal growth and evolution.

Reiki not only treats the symptoms of "dis-ease" but also their emotional and energetic roots. It offers a safe, natural, non-invasive, and holistic approach to authentic wellness, and can help you become your favorite version of yourself. Give yourself permission to feel better!
What is Reiki? image
The goal of a Psychic Reading is to provide clarity, insight, validation, divine connection, awareness, and inspiration… all to uplift, enlighten, and empower you on your journey. My goal is to help restore your connection to your soul-self, to remind you of your innate power, and to inspire joy and wonder.

There are infinite pathways to crafting the authentic expression of our highest selves, and a variety of marvelous ways to feel into the language of the soul. As we connect our energies to help you remember what your heart and soul already know, we will immerse ourselves in the unconditionally loving wisdom of the Universe.

Through Soul Journey Readings, we seek to glimpse into past lives and/or meet your Spirit Guides, Angels, or Spirit Animals (we all have a Spirit Team, whether we are aware of them or not). With Oracle Cards, we can illuminate details of your present and potential future life experiences. Together we will experience the power and presence of Spirit and connect to the wisdom of your higher self.
Psychic Readings image
Reach out to your loved ones in Spirit in a Medium Reading. Receive evidence of our eternal soul survival, as well as loving messages from family, friends, and even pets who have crossed over to the other side! We will send an invitation to specific loved ones, and we will share the wonder and experience profound healing as they bring treasured memories, personality details, validations of their continued presence, and personal guidance to my awareness for you.

Allow me to endeavor to bring your loved ones "back to life" with you for a few precious moments, as we share the story of your lives together. You may bring a photo or an item that belonged to your loved one to nourish the connection if you wish, though it is not required. Experience the power and presence of Spirit as we bridge the realms and reignite eternal bonds of love.
Medium Readings image

Mini Reading

  • Gain clarity and connection with a 30-minute Psychic or Medium Reading in-person or on Zoom.

Reiki Session

  • Experience a powerful 60-minute Reiki healing session, enhanced with guided meditation, essential oils, tuning forks, and crystal singing bowls. Rest, relax, release, and receive.

Psychic Reading

  • Gain clarity, insight, guidance, and inspiration in a 60-minute Reading with Julie for only $120. There are infinite pathways on our journeys to crafting the authentic expression of our highest selves, and there are a variety of ways we can intuitively feel into the language of the soul. Through Soul Journey Readings, we can glimpse past lives and possibly meet Spirit Guides and Spirit Animals. With oracle cards, we can illuminate details of your present and potential future life experiences. Together we endeavor to immerse ourselves in the power and presence of Spirit and connect to the wisdom of your higher self.

Medium Reading

  • Reach out to your loved ones in Spirit in a 60-minute Reading with Julie for only $120. Receive evidence of our eternal soul survival, as well as loving messages from family, friends, and even pets who have crossed over to the other side! We will send an invitation to specific loved ones, and we will share the wonder and experience profound healing as they bring memories, details, validations, and personal guidance to my awareness for you. Experience the power and presence of Spirit as we bridge the realms and reignite eternal bonds of love.

Reiki and a Reading - 90 Minute Combo

  • The most popular session! Experience a powerful 60-minute Reiki healing session followed by a mini Psychic or Medium Reading.

Reiki and a Reading - 120 Minute Combo

  • Experience a powerful 60-minute Reiki healing session followed by a full Psychic or Medium Reading.

3 Pack of Reiki Healing Sessions

  • Invest in your self-care and save $10 per session with a package deal! While sessions are normally $90 and would cost $270 for three, payment in advance is only $240. Packages apply to 60-minute Reiki healing sessions only. Packages may be shared with friends and family. Wellness and relaxation for all!
  • Schedule your sessions one at a time as needed, and I will keep track of them for you.

Psychic & Mediumship Development Class

  • All levels welcome for exploration of Intuition in a joyful, supportive atmosphere. 
  • ⭐️ You'll be learning how to distinguish imagination from intuition, calming your mind and opening your heart, strengthening your connection to your Spirit Guides, and practicing with each other to build confidence and trust. Tap into your divine knowing.
  • ⭐️ Each class will include a guided meditation and attunement to Spirit energy, instruction, and plenty of practice.
  • SAVE THE DATES for these fun and transformational monthly classes online: 
  • 💖 WEDNESDAYS 6-8pm: July 17, August 21, September 25, October 23, November 13, and December 11
  • Join for one class or the full series. 
  • Zoom detail and a Square payment link will be emailed to you the day of the class.
  • It's real, it's amazing, and you can do it!

Parties & Events

  • Add an unforgettable element to your party or event as I provide Psychic or Medium Readings for your guests. I can either do 20-minute Readings for guests individually, or a small group Reading demonstration. Just $125/hour with a 2-hour minimum. Additional travel expenses may apply if your event is more than 20 miles from my Reiki studio.
  • As parties and events are generally outside of my normal business hours, please contact me directly to schedule this fun and memorable service. or 719-660-7924.

Medical Reiki

  • As a Certified Medical Reiki Master, I am qualified to be present before, during, and after your medical procedure. I will work directly with your medical team to gain the necessary permissions in order to provide energetic and spiritual support throughout your surgery, infusion, or other medical event.
  • The beneficial effects of receiving Reiki during medical interventions are vast, including stabilizing blood pressure, calming the Sympathetic nervous system, reducing pain and anxiety, increasing treatment efficacy, reducing recovery time, supporting calm and focused medical staff and family members, promoting healing, and much more.
  • Onsite Medical Reiki support requires a 3-hour minimum at a rate of $150/hour.
  • Reiki is equally effective when administered from a distance, and the standard hourly rate of $85 would apply for Medical Reiki performed distantly.
  • As surgery times are frequently early in the morning and outside of my normal business hours, please contact me directly to schedule a Medical Reiki service. or 719-660-7924.
Scroll Down for the Reiki Certification Class Schedule,
Event Calendar,
and Retreat Details
Reiki Certification Classes image
Ready to take the next step in your Spiritual Evolution? Tune into the Light!
Take your power back from your anxiety and depression. Improve your mental and emotional health, tune into your intuition, embrace your Authentic Self, and heal mind, body, and spirit through Reiki training. It's real, it's amazing, and you can do it.

✨ Are you ready to feel better?✨

SO much more than just the basic manual instruction, my classes draw from a wide variety of resources and each one becomes a deep dive into personal healing. We explore the pragmatic as well as the poetic aspects of energy in a diverse and inclusive environment where each student is invited to organically make Reiki their own. There are no rules and no limits to the ways Reiki can enhance your life!

I didn't grow up seeing Spirit or having premonitions, rather, it was during my own Reiki training that my psychic and mediumistic abilities suddenly opened up! So I'm here to tell you that anyone who wants to develop their intuitive senses can do it, and Reiki can help! As Reiki attunements heal and clear energetic debris in the biofield, expand the capacity to channel higher frequency energy, and create a framework to calm the mind, they tend to empower and enhance intuitive abilities. So whether you are primarily interested in healing yourself and others, or your focus is more on psychic and mediumistic development, Reiki is a powerful tool to explore.

Class Progression: First Reiki I/II, next Reiki Master, then Karuna Reiki Master (with at least 6 months between certifications)

Reiki I/II Class (Beginner)
October 19-20

Reiki Master Class (Intermediate)

Karuna Reiki Master Class (Advanced)
November 29-December 1

Reiki I/II Class (Beginner)
March 15-16
August 2-3

Reiki Master Class (Intermediate)
May 16-18
October 17-19

Karuna Reiki Master Class (Advanced)
June 27-29
November 7-9

(Detail below)

REIKI I / II Beginner CLASS (Saturday - Sunday)
          Colorado Springs, CO and Online
unless otherwise noted
          9am-5pm MT

In this beginner 2-day class, you will become a Reiki Practitioner. This class combines the Reiki Level 1 and Reiki Level 2 teachings into one 2-day class. You will receive Healing Experiences with the Holy Fire® III energies, as well as Placement of the Power, Mental/Emotional, and Distance healing Reiki symbols.

All those completing this class will receive a certificate and will be fully qualified as a Reiki Practitioners in the Usui Reiki Ryoho/Holy Fire® III method of Reiki for Levels 1 & 2.

All classes whether in person or online are small, interactive, and personal, with plenty of time for discussion and practice. You will have plenty of opportunity for asking questions and interacting with classmates, as well as plenty of Reiki practice. Everyone who completes the class will be able to channel deeply healing Holy Fire® Reiki energy for themselves and others.

There is no pre-requisite for Reiki Level I & 2 other than the desire to learn. Anyone can tune into Reiki energy!

Class Fee:
Tuition is $425, with a deposit of $200 due at time of registration and the balance due 7 days before class.

REGISTRATION: Please Email me at

A detailed class manual, written and published by the International Center for Reiki Training will be used in class and will be yours to keep. The manual includes everything you will need to learn to channel Reiki energy for yourself and others. Additionally, as a loving bonus for all my students, the course PowerPoint will be made available for your reference as you integrate your Reiki practice. All students will be invited to the Soaring Heart Energies Student Facebook community for ongoing support, and will be invited to monthly Reiki Shares at my studio to practice, receive healing, and nourish connection with other Reiki Practitioners and Masters.

REIKI MASTER Intermediate CLASS (Friday - Sunday)
          Colorado Springs, CO and Online unless otherwise noted
          9am-5pm MT

In this intermediate 3-day class, you will become a Reiki Master and qualify to teach Reiki to others, both in person and online. This class combines the more traditional Reiki Level 3 (Advanced Reiki Training) and Reiki Level 4 (Reiki Master/Teacher) into one 3-day class. You will receive Healing Experiences and Ignitions into the Holy Fire® III energies, as well as Placement of the Master symbol.

You will receive two Healing Experiences, Placement of the Holy Fire and Master symbols, and four Ignitions into the Holy Fire® energies, providing the ability to use the symbols and to conduct Experiences, Placements, and Ignitions as a Teacher.

All classes whether in person or online are small, interactive, and personal, with plenty of time for discussion and practice. You will have plenty of opportunity for asking questions and interacting with classmates, as well as plenty of Reiki practice with advanced Reiki techniques.

All those completing this class will receive a certificate and will be fully qualified as a Reiki Master/Teacher in the Usui Reiki Ryoho Holy Fire® III method of Reiki for Levels 1 and 2, and Master. You will be eligible to register with the ICRT Reiki Membership Association as an Affiliate member and use the RMA logo. This class qualifies you to teach online even if you take the class in person.

Reiki Level 1 & 2 in any Reiki discipline (it does not have to be Holy Fire® Reiki), with the Power, Mental/Emotional, and Distance healing symbol Placements
At least 6 months practicing Reiki on yourself, your family, or others

Class Fee:
Tuition is $975, with a deposit of $475 due at time of registration and balance due 7 days before class.

REGISTRATION: Please Email me at

A detailed class manual, written and published by the International Center for Reiki Training will be used in class and will be yours to keep. Additionally, as a loving bonus for all my students, the course PowerPoint will be made available for your reference as you integrate your Master practice and possibly plan your own classes. All students will be invited to the Soaring Heart Energies Student Facebook community for ongoing support, and will be invited to monthly Reiki Shares at my studio to practice, receive healing, and nourish connection with other Reiki Practitioners and Masters.

KARUNA REIKI MASTER Advanced CLASS (Friday - Sunday)
          Colorado Springs, CO and Online 
unless otherwise noted
           9am-5pm MT

In this advanced-level 3-day class, you will receive 8 new symbols, upgrade your Reiki energy with four Ignitions, and qualify to teach Karuna Reiki® to others (both in person and online).

Karuna energy is more refined, works at a deep sub-conscious/cellular level, and feels like divine, unconditional love. Most Recipients of a Karuna Reiki healing sessions are able to relax deeply, and most shift down into a wonderfully healing Theta brainwave state. Karuna means compassion, and it inspires the body’s return to a state of authentic wellness.

The deeply healing benefits of Karuna Reiki techniques:
  • Empower transcendence of addiction and trauma
  • Encourage acceptance, forgiveness, and understanding
  • Promote authentic sub-conscious physical and emotional healing
  • Shield from negative energy
  • Strengthen manifestation and clarify intuition
  • Restore balance and harmonize masculine and feminine energies
  • Inspire unity consciousness and spiritual enlightenment, and
  • Nourish deep inner-peace, joy, and satisfaction
With its intense vibration, Karuna Reiki® enables deeper connection to self and others, and its healing benefits are significant and long-lasting.

You will receive Healing Experiences and Ignitions into the Holy Fire® energies to activate 8 Karuna symbols, empowering you both as a Master to utilize the healing energy and as a Teacher to give the Karuna attunements. The symbols are used to transcend time and distance to heal at the root of emotional scars, even those that are imprinted in the DNA. To deepen the healing and expand awareness of the power of sound healing, chanting and toning of symbols is included in the instruction.

All classes whether in person or online are small, interactive, and personal, with plenty of time for discussion and practice. You will have plenty of opportunity for asking questions and interacting with classmates, as well as plenty of Reiki practice with advanced Reiki techniques.

All those completing this class will receive a certificate and will be fully qualified as a Karuna Reiki® Master in the Holy Fire® III method of Reiki for Levels 1 & 2, Master, and Karuna. You will be eligible to register with the ICRT Reiki Membership Association as an Affiliate member and use the RMA logo. This class qualifies you to teach online even if you take the class in person.

Reiki Level 1 & 2 and Master, in any Reiki discipline (it does not have to be Holy Fire® Reiki), with the Power, Mental/Emotional, Distance, and Master healing symbol Placements
At least 6 months practicing Reiki on yourself, your family, or others

Class Fee:
Tuition is $975, with a deposit of $475 due at time of registration and balance due 7 days before class.

REGISTRATION: Please Email me at

A detailed class manual, written and published by the International Center for Reiki Training will be used in class and will be yours to keep. Additionally, as a loving bonus for all my students, the course PowerPoint will be made available for your reference as you integrate your Karuna Master practice and possibly plan your own classes. All students will be invited to the Soaring Heart Energies Student Facebook community for ongoing support, and will be invited to quarterly Reiki Shares at my studio to practice, receive healing, and nourish connection with other Reiki Practitioners and Masters.

✨ I want my students to integrate Reiki into their lives, use it to heal themselves and others, and teach if they feel guided to do so. I will do everything I can to support their efforts to spread the love.


Holy Fire® and Karuna Reiki® are registered service marks of William Lee Rand.
*All Classes subject to cancellation if registration volume is insufficient.
  • $25.00
  •  10/23/2024 06:00 PM
  • Online Event

All levels welcome for exploration of Intuition in a joyful, supportive atmosphere. Join us online via Zoom or in-person at The Salt Vault in downtown Colorado Springs (30 S Sierra Madre St, Colorado Springs, CO 80903). ⭐️ You'll be learning how to distinguish imagination from intuition, calming your mind and opening your heart, strengthening your connection to your Spirit Guides, and practicing with each other to build confidence and trust. Tap into your divine knowing. ⭐️ Each monthly class will include a guided meditation and attunement to Spirit energy, instruction, and plenty of practice. Join for one class or the full series at 6pm Mountain Time. Zoom detail and a Square payment link will be emailed to you the day of class. It's real, it's amazing, and you can do it!

  • $55.00
  •  11/10/2024 05:30 PM
  • Online Event

✨Tickets on sale now! Join me along with a fabulous team of gifted Psychics for an online evening of Intuitive Artistry! Spirit Guides, Mediumship, Tarot, Past Lives, Trance Healing, Angels, Shamanism, Spirit Art, Animal Communication, and more! Everyone is guaranteed two personal Readings in break out rooms from two of our gifted Intuitives.

  • $25.00
  •  11/13/2024 06:00 PM
  • Online Event

All levels welcome for exploration of Intuition in a joyful, supportive atmosphere. Join us online via Zoom or in-person at The Salt Vault in downtown Colorado Springs (30 S Sierra Madre St, Colorado Springs, CO 80903). ⭐️ You'll be learning how to distinguish imagination from intuition, calming your mind and opening your heart, strengthening your connection to your Spirit Guides, and practicing with each other to build confidence and trust. Tap into your divine knowing. ⭐️ Each monthly lass will include a guided meditation and attunement to Spirit energy, instruction, and plenty of practice. Join for one class or the full series at 6pm Mountain Time. Zoom detail and a Square payment link will be emailed to you the day of class. It's real, it's amazing, and you can do it!

  •  11/14/2024 06:15 PM
  •   110 1/2 North Tejon Street Suite 210, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Are you a certified Reiki II Practitioner or Reiki Master looking to practice, relax through a guided meditation, receive healing vibes, and meet some wonderful local Reiki friends? REGISTER by emailing me ( to join our monthly Reiki Share at the downtown studio on Thursday at 6:15pm.

  •  11/21/2024 06:00 PM
  •   23 South Tejon Street, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

I predict a fun night in your near future! 🔮 I invite students, clients, and friends to a monthly exploration of all the funky, bougie, and delicious offerings downtown Colorado Springs has to offer! Make some new friends, try some new restaurants, and share all the woo-woo soulful goodness that we want to in the company of fellow Seekers and Soul Sisters! SAVE THE DATE to join the "Woo Crew" on THURSDAY December 19. ✨Meet at Red Gravy (23 S Tejon St). Please RSVP early so I can confirm the dinner reservation for the group (

  •  11/29/2024 09:00 AM - 12/1/2024 05:00 PM
  •   110 North Tejon Street, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

In this advanced-level 3-day class, you will receive 8 new symbols, upgrade your Reiki energy with four Ignitions, and qualify to teach Karuna Reiki® to others (both in person and online). The Karuna energy is more refined, works at a deep sub-conscious/cellular level, and feels very nurturing and peaceful. Most Recipients of a Karuna Reiki® healing session are able to relax deeply, and many fall asleep. "Karuna" means compassion, and it inspires the body's return to a state of authentic wellness. ⭐️REGISTRATION: Please Email me at

  • $55.00
  •  12/8/2024 05:30 PM
  • Online Event

✨Tickets on sale soon! Join me along with a fabulous team of gifted Psychics for an online evening of Intuitive Artistry! Spirit Guides, Mediumship, Tarot, Past Lives, Trance Healing, Angels, Shamanism, Spirit Art, Animal Communication, and more! Everyone is guaranteed two personal Readings in break out rooms from two of our gifted Intuitives.

  • $25.00
  •  12/11/2024 06:00 PM
  • Online Event

💥Special Guests Charles and Brisa of Colorado Springs Hypnosis will be teaching self-hypnosis methods to help us shift into an altered state more easily to enhance our reading abilities. All levels welcome for exploration of Intuition in a joyful, supportive atmosphere. Join us online via Zoom or in-person at The Salt Vault in downtown Colorado Springs (30 S Sierra Madre St, Colorado Springs, CO 80903). ⭐️ You'll be learning how to distinguish imagination from intuition, calming your mind and opening your heart, strengthening your connection to your Spirit Guides, and practicing with each other to build confidence and trust. Tap into your divine knowing. ⭐️ Each monthly class will include a guided meditation and attunement to Spirit energy, instruction, and plenty of practice. Join for one class or the full series at 6pm Mountain Time. Zoom detail and a Square payment link will be emailed to you the day of class. It's real, it's amazing, and you can do it!

  •  12/12/2024 06:15 PM
  •   110 1/2 North Tejon Street Suite 210, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Are you a certified Reiki II Practitioner or Reiki Master looking to practice, relax through a guided meditation, receive healing vibes, and meet some wonderful local Reiki friends? Want to release some holiday stress and reset from a calm, centered space? REGISTER by emailing me ( to join our monthly Reiki Share at the downtown studio on Thursday at 6:15pm.

  • $45.00
  •  12/15/2024 06:00 PM
  •   514 El Paso Blvd, Manitou Springs, Colorado, USA

Need some Good Vibes? Join the dynamic duo of Molly Adkins (Sound Healing) & Julie Speetjens (Reiki), as they combine their powerful, energetic forces to create a sacred space for you to nourish your soul and achieve deep relaxation. You will receive high vibrations through this multi-sensory immersive experience of simultaneous sound healing and Reiki, plus a guided meditation. ⭐️ Join us on Sunday evening at 6:00pm at the Sunwater Spa in Manitou Springs for 90 minutes of deep relaxation to reset your energy before the new week begins. Only $45! Register today at

  •  12/19/2024 06:00 PM
  •   616 South Tejon Street, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

I predict a fun night in your near future! 🔮 I invite students, clients, and friends to a monthly exploration of all the funky, bougie, and delicious offerings downtown Colorado Springs has to offer! Make some new friends, try some new restaurants, and share all the woo-woo soulful goodness that we want to in the company of fellow Seekers and Soul Sisters! ✨Meet at Till Neighborhood Bistro and Bar (616 S Tejon St). Please RSVP early so I can confirm the dinner reservation for the group (

  •  1/9/2025 06:15 PM
  •   110 1/2 North Tejon Street Suite 210, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Are you a certified Reiki II Practitioner or Reiki Master looking to practice, relax through a guided meditation, receive healing vibes, and meet some wonderful local Reiki friends? REGISTER by emailing me ( to join our quarterly Reiki Share at the downtown studio on Thursday at 6:15pm.

  •  1/12/2025 04:00 PM
  • Online Event

Stay tuned for the opportunity to purchase tickets! Join one of Britain's most renowned Psychic Mediums, Tony Stockwell, along with his Spirit Guides as they bring divine philosophy, channelled Readings, energy healing, and prophecy for the group assembled. Expand your understanding of soul communication as you witness an undeniable shift in Tony's appearance and manner of speech as he deeply relaxes into an altered state of consciousness. Prepare to be amazed as he steps his awareness aside and allows Zintar Lungar, a buddhist monk long departed from the Earth, to blend with him energetically.

  • $25.00
  •  1/22/2025 06:00 PM
  • Online Event

All levels welcome for exploration of Intuition in a joyful, supportive atmosphere. Join us online via Zoom or in-person at The Salt Vault in downtown Colorado Springs (30 S Sierra Madre St, Colorado Springs, CO 80903). ⭐️ You'll be learning how to distinguish imagination from intuition, calming your mind and opening your heart, strengthening your connection to your Spirit Guides, and practicing with each other to build confidence and trust. Tap into your divine knowing. ⭐️ Each monthly class will include a guided meditation and attunement to Spirit energy, instruction, and plenty of practice. Join for one class or the full series at 6pm Mountain Time. Zoom detail and a Square payment link will be emailed to you the day of class. It's real, it's amazing, and you can do it!

  •  10/19/2024 09:00 AM - 10/20/2024 05:00 PM

💥Registration open now! In this 2-day class, you will become a Reiki Practitioner. This class combines the Reiki Level 1 and Reiki Level 2 teachings into one 2-day class. ⭐️ All those completing this class will receive a certificate and will be fully qualified as a Reiki II Practitioners in the Usui Reiki Ryoho Holy Fire® III method of Reiki for Levels 1 and 2. ⭐️ Everyone who completes the class will be able to channel deeply healing Holy Fire® Reiki energy for themselves and others. ⭐️ REGISTRATION: Please Email me at

  •  10/17/2024 06:00 PM

Please note that this month's venue has changed because our group is so big! 🤩 I predict a fun night in your near future! 🔮 I invite students, clients, and friends to a monthly exploration of all the funky, bougie, and delicious offerings downtown Colorado Springs has to offer! Make some new friends, try some new restaurants, and share all the woo-woo soulful goodness that we want to in the company of fellow Seekers and Soul Sisters! SAVE THE DATES to join the "Woo Crew" on THURSDAY December 19. ✨Meet at Phantom Canyon Brewing (2 E Pikes Peak Ave). Please RSVP so I can confirm the dinner reservation for the group ( Sober friends are very welcome... it's not about the wine, it's all about the WOO!

  • $55.00
  •  10/13/2024 05:30 PM
  • Online Event

✨Sold Out! Get your tickets early for next month. Join me along with a fabulous team of gifted Psychics for an online evening of Intuitive Artistry! Spirit Guides, Mediumship, Tarot, Past Lives, Trance Healing, Angels, Shamanism, Spirit Art, Animal Communication, and more! Everyone is guaranteed two personal Readings in break out rooms from two of our gifted Intuitives.

  •  10/10/2024 06:15 PM
  •   110 1/2 North Tejon Street Suite 210, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Are you a certified Reiki II Practitioner or Reiki Master looking to practice, relax through a guided meditation, receive healing vibes, and meet some wonderful local Reiki friends? REGISTER by emailing me ( to join our monthly Reiki Share at the downtown studio on Thursday at 6:15pm.

  • $45.00
  •  10/6/2024 06:00 PM
  •   514 El Paso Blvd, Manitou Springs, CO

Need some Good Vibes? Join the dynamic duo of Molly Adkins (Sound Healing) & Julie Speetjens (Reiki), as they combine their powerful, energetic forces to create a sacred space for you to nourish your soul and achieve deep relaxation. You will receive high vibrations through this multi-sensory immersive experience of simultaneous sound healing and Reiki, plus a guided meditation. ⭐️ Join us on Sunday evening at 6:00pm at the Sunwater Spa in Manitou Springs for 90 minutes of deep relaxation to reset your energy before the new week begins. Only $45! Register today at

  •  10/4/2024 09:00 AM - 10/6/2024 05:00 PM
  •   110 North Tejon Street, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

In this intermediate 3-day class, you will become a Reiki Master and qualify to teach Reiki to others, both in person and online. This class combines the more traditional Reiki Level 3 (Advanced Reiki Training) and Reiki Level 4 (Reiki Master/Teacher) into one 3-day class. You will receive Healing Experiences and Ignitions into the Holy Fire® III energies, as well as Placement of the Master symbol. ⭐️REGISTRATION: Please Email me at

  •  9/26/2024 06:00 PM
  •   2 East Pikes Peak Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

I predict a fun night in your near future! 🔮 To celebrate my downtown studio, I invite students, clients, and friends to a monthly exploration of all the funky, bougie, and delicious offerings downtown Colorado Springs has to offer! Make some new friends, try some new restaurants, and share all the woo-woo soulful goodness that we want to in the company of fellow Seekers and Soul Sisters! SAVE THE DATES to join the "Woo Crew" on THURSDAYS: October 17, November 21, and December 19. ✨Meet at Phantom Canyon Brewing Company (2 E Pikes Peak Ave). Please RSVP so I can confirm the dinner reservation for the group (

  • $25.00
  •  9/25/2024 06:00 PM
  • Online Event

All levels welcome for exploration of Intuition in a joyful, supportive atmosphere. ⭐️ You'll be learning how to distinguish imagination from intuition, calming your mind and opening your heart, strengthening your connection to your Spirit Guides, and practicing with each other to build confidence and trust. Tap into your divine knowing. ⭐️ Each monthly class will include a guided meditation and attunement to Spirit energy, instruction, and plenty of practice. Join for one class or the full series at 6pm Mountain Time. Zoom detail and a Square payment link will be emailed to you the day of class. It's real, it's amazing, and you can do it!

  •  9/24/2024 12:00 PM
  • Online Event

The Mediumship Hour is a FREE weekly event at Noon MT/2pm ET, which takes place every Tuesday throughout the year. We invite you to join us and share in messages of love, healing, and guidance from your loved ones in the spirit world. ​​ ​Ann Théato shares the platform each week with guest mediums from across the world.​ ​ ​All are welcome to join us. Register today to receive the Zoom detail.

  • $30.00
  •  9/8/2024 04:30 PM
  • Online Event

Join one of Britain's most renowned Psychic Mediums, Tony Stockwell, along with his Spirit Guides as they bring divine philosophy, channelled Readings, energy healing, and prophecy for the group assembled. Expand your understanding of soul communication as you witness an undeniable shift in Tony's appearance and manner of speech as he deeply relaxes into an altered state of consciousness. Prepare to be amazed as he steps his awareness aside and allows Zintar Lungar, a buddhist monk long departed from the Earth, to blend with him energetically.

  •  8/30/2024 09:00 AM - 9/1/2024 05:00 PM

Beloved Arthur Findlay College tutor Sharon Harvey and her daughter, Kerry Farrant Harvey, will be hosting a Physical Mediumship Workshop and demonstration Aug 30-Sept 1 at Mains Gate estate on the Eastern Shore of Maryland! Experimentation with direct voice, apports, transfiguration, spirit art, table tipping, trance healings and readings, and more! Learn how to create your own home circle to develop the incredibly rare and intriguing art of physical mediumship. Registration for these unique workshops is now open, and we expect them to sell out quickly. Email to reserve your spot today. Limited workshop seats and Mains Gate rooms are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • $45.00
  •  8/25/2024 06:00 PM
  •   103 Pawnee Avenue, Manitou Springs, CO, USA

💥UPDATE: Due to a leaking roof, the location for today's "Power Hour" has changed. The new location is Manitou Community Congregational Church at 103 Pawnee Avenue Manitou Springs. There is a large free parking lot at the church. 💥Please bring your own mat, blankets, bolster, eye pillow and anything to make sure you are comfortable. We will supply some of these items but there are not enough for our larger group. Also bring your own water, and please dress comfortably. Please call or text Molly if you have any questions about the location. 719-822-1892.

  •  8/22/2024 06:00 PM
  •   311 North Tejon Street, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

I predict a fun night in your near future! 🔮 To celebrate my downtown studio, I invite students, clients, and friends to a monthly exploration of all the funky, bougie, and delicious offerings downtown Colorado Springs has to offer! Make some new friends, try some new restaurants, and share all the woo-woo soulful goodness that we want to in the company of fellow Seekers and Soul Sisters! SAVE THE DATES to join the "Woo Crew" on THURSDAYS: September 26, October 17, November 21, and December 19. ✨Meet at the Odyssey GastroPub (311 N Tejon St). Please RSVP so I can confirm the dinner reservation for the group (

  • $25.00
  •  8/21/2024 06:00 PM
  • Online Event

All levels welcome for exploration of Intuition in a joyful, supportive atmosphere. ⭐️ You'll be learning how to distinguish imagination from intuition, calming your mind and opening your heart, strengthening your connection to your Spirit Guides, and practicing with each other to build confidence and trust. Tap into your divine knowing. ⭐️ Each monthly class will include a guided meditation and attunement to Spirit energy, instruction, and plenty of practice. Join for one class or the full series at 6pm Mountain Time. Zoom detail and a Square payment link will be emailed to you the day of class. It's real, it's amazing, and you can do it!

  • $55.00
  •  8/18/2024 05:30 PM
  • Online Event

💥Sold Out! Please get your tickets early for October 13. Join me along with a fabulous team of gifted Psychics for an online evening of Intuitive Artistry! Spirit Guides, Mediumship, Tarot, Past Lives, Trance Healing, Angels, Shamanism, Spirit Art, Animal Communication, and more! Everyone is guaranteed two personal Readings in break out rooms from two of our gifted Intuitives.

  •  8/15/2024 06:15 PM
  •   110 1/2 North Tejon Street Suite 210, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Are you a certified Reiki II Practitioner or Reiki Master looking to practice, relax through a guided meditation, receive healing vibes, and meet some wonderful local Reiki friends? REGISTER by emailing me ( to join our monthly Reiki Share at the downtown studio on Thursday at 6:15pm.

  •  8/9/2024 09:00 AM - 8/12/2024 05:00 PM

Have you been wanting to visit the historic community of Lily Dale, NY?? It's an enchanting hamlet of mediums, psychics, and spiritual seekers with charming victorian roots. Nestled in an old growth forest on a beautiful lake, and filled with whimsy, Lily Dale is a truly unique and peaceful little corner of the world. These 4-day workshops will attune you to Reiki healing energy and then tune you into your intuition with a dynamic duo of teachers.

  •  8/2/2024 09:00 AM - 8/4/2024 05:00 PM

Have you been wanting to visit the historic community of Lily Dale, NY?? It's an enchanting hamlet of mediums, psychics, and spiritual seekers with charming victorian roots. Nestled in an old growth forest on a beautiful lake, and filled with whimsy, Lily Dale is a truly unique and peaceful little corner of the world. These 4-day workshops will attune you to Reiki healing energy and then tune you into your intuition with a dynamic duo of teachers. 💥UPDATE: The Reiki I/II certification class is SOLD OUT, there are a few spots left in the Reiki Master certification class. Special discount pricing!

  •  7/28/2024 04:00 PM
  • Online Event

How does Hawai'i in February sound to you? Even better with a heart-centered group and some Psychic/Mediumship Intuitive Development Workshops, right? To learn more, join this Zoom meeting. Email for Zoom detail.

  •  7/24/2024 06:00 PM
  •   1006 S Institute St, Colorado Springs, CO 80903, USA

I predict a fun WEDNESDAY night in your near future! 🔮 To celebrate my downtown studio, I invite students, clients, and friends to a monthly exploration of all the funky, bougie, and delicious offerings downtown Colorado Springs has to offer! Make some new friends, try some new restaurants, and share all the woo-woo soulful goodness that we want to in the company of fellow Seekers and Soul Sisters! SAVE THE DATES to join the "Woo Crew" on THURSDAYS: August 22, September 26, October 17, November 21, and December 19. ✨Meet at Hillside Gardens (1006 S. Institute St. Colorado Springs, CO 80903). Tickets are $15 at the door and multiple food options will be available. Please RSVP ( It's not about the wine, it's all about the woo!

  •  7/21/2024 04:00 PM
  • Online Event

How does Hawaii in February sound to you? Even better with a heart-centered group and some Psychic/Mediumship Intuitive Development Workshops, right? To learn more, join this Zoom meeting. Email for Zoom detail.

  •  7/18/2024 06:15 PM
  •   110 1/2 North Tejon Street Suite 210, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Are you a certified Reiki II Practitioner or Reiki Master looking to practice, relax through a guided meditation, receive healing vibes, and meet some wonderful local Reiki friends? REGISTER by emailing me ( to join our monthly Reiki Share at the downtown studio on Thursday at 6:15pm.

  • $25.00
  •  7/17/2024 06:00 PM
  • Online Event

All levels welcome for exploration of Intuition in a joyful, supportive atmosphere. ⭐️ You'll be learning how to distinguish imagination from intuition, calming your mind and opening your heart, strengthening your connection to your Spirit Guides, and practicing with each other to build confidence and trust. Tap into your divine knowing. ⭐️ Each monthly class will include a guided meditation and attunement to Spirit energy, instruction, and plenty of practice. Join for one class or the full series. Zoom detail and a Square payment link will be emailed to you the day of class. It's real, it's amazing, and you can do it!

  •  7/11/2024 02:00 PM - 7/14/2024 05:00 PM

💥SOLD OUT! Escape the summer heat and unlock your inner potential at the Mountain Mystic Retreat! Join us for an incredible long weekend July 11-14 deep in the Rocky Mountains in a beautiful creekside mansion in Glenwood Springs, CO. Delve into psychic and mediumship readings, inspired art, past lives, spiritual assessments, psychometry, auragraphs, scrying, inspired speaking, spirit guides, oracle cards, and various other psychic and mediumship teachings. All levels welcome! If you have enjoyed my intuitive development classes at Celestial Salt, you're going to love this retreat! As always, we'll explore many different concepts, tools, methods, and modalities with interesting exercises. The "Woo Crew" is going on a field trip, and you're invited. Melissa's retreats always sell out - the food will be amazing, the house is gorgeous, the nature outings will be wonderful, and you will make new friends and strengthen your connection to Spirit. Enjoy hot springs, hikes, optional whitewater rafting, and other mountain fun with an open-hearted and soul-abundant group! Due to popular demand we added a few spots, and a generous donor made two scholarships available for those attendees! Spirit is amazing! Talk about a 'cherry on the cake' for an already joyful and inspired group. I love my community of students, colleagues, and friends to the moon.

  • $45.00
  •  6/30/2024 06:00 PM
  •   702 Manitou Avenue, Manitou Springs, CO, USA

💥Sold Out! Get your tickets early for August 25. Need some Good Vibes? Join the dynamic duo of Molly Adkins (Sound Healing) & Julie Speetjens (Reiki), as they combine their powerful, energetic forces to create a sacred space for you to nourish your soul and achieve deep relaxation. You will receive high vibrations through this multi-sensory immersive experience of simultaneous sound healing and Reiki, plus a guided meditation. ⭐️ Join us on Sunday evening at 6:00pm at Molly's Manitou studio in Aurathentic (702 Manitou Ave) for 90 minutes of deep relaxation to reset your energy before the new week begins. Only $45! Register today at

  •  6/27/2024 06:00 PM
  •   15 South Tejon Street, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

I predict a fun night in your near future! 🔮 To celebrate my downtown studio, I invite students, clients, and friends to a monthly exploration of all the funky, bougie, and delicious offerings downtown Colorado Springs has to offer! Make some new friends, try some new restaurants, and share all the woo-woo soulful goodness that we want to in the company of fellow Seekers and Soul Sisters! SAVE THE DATES to join the "Woo Crew" on WEDNESDAY July 24 (Hillside Gardens Summer Concert Series), and THURSDAYS: August 22, September 26, October 17, November 21, and December 19. ✨Please note the VENUE SHIFTED. Meet at Colorado Craft Social (15 S Tejon St). Please RSVP so I can confirm the dinner reservation for the group (

  • $45.00
  •  6/23/2024 05:30 PM
  • Online Event

💥We are Sold Out for this Sunday night. Be sure to get your tickets early for August 18. Join me along with a fabulous team of gifted Psychics for an online evening of Intuitive Artistry! Spirit Guides, Mediumship, Tarot, Past Lives, Trance Healing, Angels, Shamanism, Spirit Art, Animal Communication, and more! Everyone is guaranteed two personal Readings in break out rooms from two of our gifted Intuitives. Get your ticket today as this event tends to sell out.

  •  6/20/2024 06:15 PM
  •   110 1/2 North Tejon Street Suite 210, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Are you a certified Reiki II Practitioner or Reiki Master looking to practice, relax through a guided meditation, receive healing vibes, and meet some wonderful local Reiki friends? REGISTER by emailing me ( to join our monthly Reiki Share at the downtown studio on Thursday at 6:15pm.

  •  6/12/2024 06:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

All levels welcome for exploration of Intuition in a joyful, supportive atmosphere. ⭐️ You'll be learning how to distinguish imagination from intuition, calming your mind and opening your heart, strengthening your connection to your Spirit Guides and Angels, and practicing with each other to build confidence and trust. Tap into your divine knowing. ⭐️ Each class will include a guided meditation and attunement to Spirit energy, instruction, and plenty of practice. SAVE THE DATES for these fun and transformational classes at Celestial Salt Metaphysical shop in Colorado Springs (& online): 💖 SUNDAY 4-6pm: July 7 💖 WEDNESDAYS 6-8pm: June 26, July 17 Join for one class or the full series, online or in-person. Register by calling Lisa Chapman at 719-370-9858 or visit It's real, it's amazing, and you can do it!

  •  6/12/2024 11:00 AM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80920, USA

Celestial Salt is a wonderful Metaphysical Center in Colorado Springs. They offer Dry Salt/HaloTherapy and Infrared Sauna Therapy, in addition to selling crystals, books, and other inspired treasures. ⭐️ Register by calling Celestial Salt at 719-370-9858 or visit Readings are 30 minutes and $40.

  • $30.00
  •  6/11/2024 04:30 PM
  • Online Event

Join one of Britain's most renowned Psychic Mediums, Tony Stockwell, along with his Spirit Guides as they bring divine philosophy, channelled Readings, energy healing, and prophecy for the group assembled. Expand your understanding of soul communication as you witness an undeniable shift in Tony's appearance and manner of speech as he deeply relaxes into an altered state of consciousness. Prepare to be amazed as he steps his awareness aside and allows Zintar Lungar, a buddhist monk long departed from the Earth, to blend with him energetically.

  •  5/30/2024 06:15 PM
  •   110 1/2 North Tejon Street Suite 210, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Are you a certified Reiki II Practitioner or Reiki Master looking to practice, relax through a guided meditation, receive healing vibes, and meet some wonderful local Reiki friends? REGISTER by emailing me ( to join our monthly Reiki Share at the downtown studio on Thursday at 6:15pm.

  •  5/23/2024 06:00 PM
  •   702 S Cascade Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80903, USA

I predict a fun night in your near future! 🔮 To celebrate my downtown studio, I invite students, clients, and friends to a monthly exploration of all the funky, bougie, and delicious offerings downtown Colorado Springs has to offer! Make some new friends, try some new restaurants, and share all the woo-woo soulful goodness that we want to in the company of fellow Seekers and Soul Sisters! SAVE THE DATES to join the "Woo Crew" on June 27, July 25, August 22, October 17, November 21, and December 19. ✨We'll meet at Shuga's (702 S Cascade) on May 23. Separate checks. Please RSVP so I can confirm the dinner reservation for the group (

  • $45.00
  •  5/19/2024 05:30 PM
  • Online Event

✨SOLD OUT! Get your tickets early for June 23rd. Join me along with a fabulous team of gifted Psychics on May 19th for an online evening of Intuitive Artistry! Spirit Guides, Mediumship, Tarot, Past Lives, Trance Healing, Angels, Shamanism, Spirit Art, Animal Communication, and more! Everyone is guaranteed two personal Readings in break out rooms from two of our gifted Intuitives.

  •  5/15/2024 06:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

All levels welcome for exploration of Intuition in a joyful, supportive atmosphere. ⭐️ You'll be learning how to distinguish imagination from intuition, calming your mind and opening your heart, strengthening your connection to your Spirit Guides and Angels, and practicing with each other to build confidence and trust. Tap into your divine knowing. ⭐️ Each class will include a guided meditation and attunement to Spirit energy, instruction, and plenty of practice. SAVE THE DATES for these fun and transformational classes at Celestial Salt Metaphysical shop in Colorado Springs (& online): 💖 SUNDAYS 4-6pm: May 26, July 7 💖 WEDNESDAYS 6-8pm: June 12 & 26 Join for one class or the full series, online or in-person. Register by calling Lisa Chapman at 719-370-9858 or visit It's real, it's amazing, and you can do it!

  •  5/15/2024 02:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80920, USA

Celestial Salt is a wonderful Metaphysical Center in Colorado Springs. They offer Dry Salt/HaloTherapy and Infrared Sauna Therapy, in addition to selling crystals, books, and other inspired treasures. ⭐️ Register by calling Celestial Salt at 719-370-9858 or visit Readings are 30 minutes and $40.

  • $45.00
  •  4/28/2024 06:00 PM
  •   441 Manitou Avenue, Manitou Springs, CO, USA

💥Sold Out! Join us for our next event June 30.💥 Need some Good Vibes? Join the dynamic duo of Molly Adkins (Sound Healing) & Julie Speetjens (Reiki), as they combine their powerful, energetic forces to create a sacred space for you to nourish your soul and achieve deep relaxation. You will receive high vibrations through this multi-sensory immersive experience of simultaneous sound healing and Reiki, plus a guided meditation. ⭐️ Join us on Sunday evening at 6:00pm at Molly's Manitou studio for 90 minutes of deep relaxation to reset your energy before the new week begins. Only $45! Register today at

  •  4/19/2024 09:00 AM - 4/21/2024 05:00 PM

In this intermediate 3-day class, you will become a Reiki Master and qualify to teach Reiki to others, both in person and online. This class combines the more traditional Reiki Level 3 (Advanced Reiki Training) and Reiki Level 4 (Reiki Master/Teacher) into one 3-day class. You will receive Healing Experiences and Ignitions into the Holy Fire® III energies, as well as Placement of the Master symbol. ⭐️REGISTRATION: Please Email me at

  •  4/18/2024 06:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

All levels welcome for exploration of Intuition in a joyful, supportive atmosphere. Join us for a rare THURSDAY class with a fabulous special Guest Teacher, Stacy Brickel (! Stacy is a dear friend and a Soul Journey Sundays Reader who trained at Arthur Findlay College with me. You will love her whimsical and playful approach to Spirit work. ⭐️ You'll be learning how to distinguish imagination from intuition, calming your mind and opening your heart, strengthening your connection to your Spirit Guides and Angels, and practicing with each other to build confidence and trust. Tap into your divine knowing. ⭐️ Each class will include a guided meditation and attunement to Spirit energy, instruction, and plenty of practice. SAVE THE DATES for these fun and transformational classes at Celestial Salt Metaphysical shop in Colorado Springs (& online): 💖 SUNDAYS 4-6pm: May 26, July 7 💖 WEDNESDAYS 6-8pm: May 1 & 15, June 12 & 26 Join for one class or the full series. Register by calling Lisa at 719-370-9858 or visit It's real, it's amazing, and you can do it!

  •  3/28/2024 02:00 PM - 4/7/2024 02:00 PM

Join me for an unforgettable spiritual and cultural immersion! Experience a powerful Reiki Healing/Attunement on Mt. Kurama, Onsen Bath, Lake Biwa, Kyoto Castle, Shrines & Temples, Kimono Fitting, Cherry Blossoms, Takio drum lesson, Nara, Culinary Delights, Gion Geisha Show, Bamboo Forest, and more... all with a dedicated Interpreter who will teach a Japanese Language & Culture Class before the trip!

  •  3/21/2024 06:00 PM
  •   320 S Weber St, Colorado Springs, CO 80903, USA

I predict a fun night in your near future! 🔮 To celebrate my downtown studio, I invite students, clients, and friends to a monthly exploration of all the funky, bougie, and delicious offerings downtown Colorado Springs has to offer! Make some new friends, try some new restaurants, and share all the woo-woo soulful goodness that we want to in the company of fellow Seekers and Soul Sisters! SAVE THE DATES to join the "Woo Crew" on May 16, June 27, July 25, and August 22. We'll meet at Carter Payne (320 S Weber St). Separate checks. Please RSVP so I can confirm the dinner reservation for the group (

  •  3/20/2024 11:00 AM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80920, USA

Celestial Salt is a wonderful Metaphysical Center in Colorado Springs. They offer Dry Salt/HaloTherapy and Infrared Sauna Therapy, in addition to selling crystals, books, and other inspired treasures. ⭐️ REGISTER by calling Celestial Salt at 719-370-9858 or visit Readings are 30 minutes and $40.

  •  3/16/2024 09:00 AM - 3/17/2024 05:00 PM

💥Registration open now! In this 2-day class, you will become a Reiki Practitioner. This class combines the Reiki Level 1 and Reiki Level 2 teachings into one 2-day class. ⭐️ All those completing this class will receive a certificate and will be fully qualified as a Reiki II Practitioners in the Usui Reiki Ryoho Holy Fire® III method of Reiki for Levels 1 and 2. ⭐️ Everyone who completes the class will be able to channel deeply healing Holy Fire® Reiki energy for themselves and others. ⭐️ REGISTRATION: Please Email me at

  •  3/14/2024 06:15 PM
  •   110 1/2 North Tejon Street Suite 210, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

❄️Cancelled due to Snowpocalypse.❄️ See you at the next Share on May 30.

  • $25.00
  •  3/13/2024 06:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

✨SOLD OUT! Thank you to everyone who registered for this fun class! For anyone who missed it, I will offer it again in a few months, so stay tuned. 💖Kintsugi: The Japanese art of mending broken objects with gold. It teaches us that if we choose to embrace our challenges and repair ourselves with love, we become even more beautiful. Join me for an evening of Kintsugi-style bowl creation and Psychic Development at Celestial Salt Metaphysical on Wednesday, March 13 at 6pm. Workshop fee is $25 plus a materials cost donation. After painting your own bowl to keep, you will experience a powerful guided meditation inviting a divine golden light to flow into and repair your "cracks". We will then practice Psychometry Readings with partners, with hands on the bowls. If you've seen one of my favorite shows, Ted Lasso, you got a memorable glimpse of it. Inspiration, healing, reading, AND crafting - does it get better than this?! Spots are limited, so please register today at or call Lisa Chapman at 719-370-9858. ✨ We are all perfectly imperfect, and the cracks are how the light gets in!

  • $30.00
  •  3/7/2024 04:30 PM
  • Online Event

Join one of Britain's most renowned Psychic Mediums, Tony Stockwell, along with his Spirit Guides as they bring divine philosophy, channelled Readings, energy healing, and prophecy for the group assembled. Expand your understanding of soul communication as you witness an undeniable shift in Tony's appearance and manner of speech as he deeply relaxes into an altered state of consciousness. Prepare to be amazed as he steps his awareness aside and allows Zintar Lungar, a buddhist monk long departed from the Earth, to blend with him energetically.

  • $45.00
  •  3/3/2024 05:30 PM
  • Online Event

💥Sold Out! Join me next time along with a fabulous team of gifted Psychics on May 19th for an online evening of Intuitive Artistry! Spirit Guides, Mediumship, Tarot, Past Lives, Trance Healing, Angels, Shamanism, Spirit Art, Animal Communication, and more! Everyone is guaranteed two personal Readings in break out rooms from two of our gifted Intuitives.

  •  2/29/2024 06:00 PM
  •   520 S Tejon St, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

I predict a fun night in your near future! 🔮 To celebrate my downtown studio, I invite students, clients, and friends to a monthly exploration of all the funky, bougie, and delicious offerings downtown Colorado Springs has to offer! Make some new friends, try some new restaurants, and share all the woo-woo soulful goodness that we want to in the company of fellow Seekers and Soul Sisters! SAVE THE DATE to join the "Woo Crew" on March 21 and May 16. We'll meet at Streetcar520 (520 S. Tejon St). Separate checks. Please RSVP so I can confirm the dinner reservation for the group (

  •  2/28/2024 06:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

All levels welcome for exploration of Intuition in a joyful, supportive atmosphere. ⭐️ You'll be learning how to distinguish imagination from intuition, calming your mind and opening your heart, strengthening your connection to your Spirit Guides and Angels, and practicing with each other to build confidence and trust. Tap into your divine knowing. ⭐️ Each class will include a guided meditation and attunement to Spirit energy, instruction, and plenty of practice. SAVE THE DATES for these fun and transformational classes at Celestial Salt Metaphysical shop in Colorado Springs: 💖 SUNDAYS 4-6pm: March 20, May 26, July 7 💖 WEDNESDAYS 6-8pm: March 13, May 1, June 12 & 26 💖 THURSDAY 6-8pm: April 18 Join for one class or the full series. REGISTER by calling 719-370-9858 or visit It's real, it's amazing, and you can do it!

  •  2/23/2024 09:00 AM - 2/25/2024 05:00 PM

In this advanced-level 3-day class, you will receive 8 new symbols, upgrade your Reiki energy with four Ignitions, and qualify to teach Karuna Reiki® to others (both in person and online). The Karuna energy is more refined, works at a deep sub-conscious/cellular level, and feels very nurturing and peaceful. Most Recipients of a Karuna Reiki® healing session are able to relax deeply, and many fall asleep. "Karuna" means compassion, and it inspires the body's return to a state of authentic wellness. ⭐️REGISTRATION: Please Email me at

  •  2/20/2024 10:00 AM
  • Online Event

Beloved Arthur Findlay College tutor Sharon Harvey and her daughter, Kerry Farrant Harvey, will be hosting a free online Evidential Mediumship Demonstration on Tuesday, February 20th at Noon Eastern! Email for Zoom detail to attend. ✨This event is in celebration of their upcoming Physical Mediumship Workshops to be held Aug 30-Sept 1 & Sept 6-8 at the incredible Mains Gate estate on the eastern shore of Maryland! Not one, but TWO weekends of Physical Mediumship workshops and demonstrations!

  • $45.00
  •  2/18/2024 06:00 PM
  •   441 Manitou Avenue, Manitou Springs, CO, USA

💥This event is Sold Out. Please register today for April 28. Need some Good Vibes? Join the dynamic duo of Molly Adkins (Sound Healing) & Julie Speetjens (Reiki), as they combine their powerful, energetic forces to create a sacred space for you to nourish your soul and achieve deep relaxation. You will receive high vibrations through this multi-sensory immersive experience of simultaneous sound healing and Reiki, plus a guided meditation. ⭐️ Join us on Sunday evening at 6:00pm at Molly's Manitou studio for 90 minutes of deep relaxation to reset your energy before the new week begins. Only $45! REGISTER at

  • $45.00
  •  2/18/2024 06:00 PM
  •   441 Manitou Avenue, Manitou Springs, CO, USA

💥Please register early, this event always sells out. Need some Good Vibes? Join the dynamic duo of Molly Adkins (Sound Healing) & Julie Speetjens (Reiki), as they combine their powerful, energetic forces to create a sacred space for you to nourish your soul and achieve deep relaxation. You will receive high vibrations through this multi-sensory immersive experience of simultaneous sound healing and Reiki, plus a guided meditation. ⭐️ Join us on Sunday evening at 6:00pm at Molly's Manitou studio for 90 minutes of deep relaxation to reset your energy before the new week begins. Only $45! REGISTER at

  •  2/15/2024 06:15 PM
  •   110 1/2 North Tejon Street Suite 210, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Are you a certified Reiki II Practitioner or Reiki Master looking to practice, relax through a guided meditation, receive healing vibes, and meet some wonderful local Reiki friends? REGISTER by emailing me ( to join our monthly Reiki Share at the downtown studio on Thursday at 6:15pm.

  •  2/14/2024 11:00 AM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80920, USA

Celestial Salt is a wonderful Metaphysical Center in Colorado Springs. They offer Dry Salt/HaloTherapy and Infrared Sauna Therapy, in addition to selling crystals, books, and other inspired treasures. ⭐️ REGISTER by calling Celestial Salt at 719-370-9858 or visit Readings are 30 minutes and $40.

  •  2/11/2024 04:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

All levels welcome for exploration of Intuition in a joyful, supportive atmosphere. ⭐️ You'll be learning how to distinguish imagination from intuition, calming your mind and opening your heart, strengthening your connection to your Spirit Guides and Angels, and practicing with each other to build confidence and trust. Tap into your divine knowing. ⭐️ Each class will include a guided meditation and attunement to Spirit energy, instruction, and plenty of practice. SAVE THE DATES for these fun and transformational classes at Celestial Salt Metaphysical shop in Colorado Springs: 💖 SUNDAYS 4-6pm: March 20, May 26, July 7 💖 WEDNESDAYS 6-8pm: February 28, March 13, May 1, June 12 & 26 💖 THURSDAY: April 18 Join for one class or the full series. REGISTER by calling 719-370-9858 or visit It's real, it's amazing, and you can do it!

  •  2/9/2024 09:00 AM - 2/11/2024 05:00 PM

In this intermediate 3-day class, you will become a Reiki Master and qualify to teach Reiki to others, both in person and online. This class combines the more traditional Reiki Level 3 (Advanced Reiki Training) and Reiki Level 4 (Reiki Master/Teacher) into one 3-day class. You will receive Healing Experiences and Ignitions into the Holy Fire® III energies, as well as Placement of the Master symbol. ⭐️REGISTRATION: Please Email me at

  • $45.00
  •  2/4/2024 05:30 PM
  • Online Event

✨ Tickets on sale now! This event always sells out, so reserve your spot today! Join me along with a fabulous team of gifted Psychics for an online evening of Intuitive Artistry! Spirit Guides, Mediumship, Tarot, Past Lives, Trance Healing, Angels, Shamanism, Spirit Art, Animal Communication, and more! Everyone is guaranteed two personal Readings in break out rooms from two of our gifted Intuitives.

  •  1/27/2024 11:00 AM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80920, USA

Join me for some clarity, insight, validation, and inspiration. Celestial Salt is a wonderful new Metaphysical Center in NE Colorado Springs offering Dry Salt/HaloTherapy and Infrared Sauna Therapy, in addition to selling crystals, books, and other inspired treasures. REGISTER by calling Celestial Salt at 719-370-9858 or visit Readings are 30 minutes and $40.

  •  1/25/2024 06:15 PM
  •   110 1/2 North Tejon Street Suite 210, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Are you a certified Reiki II Practitioner or Reiki Master looking to practice, relax through a guided meditation, receive healing vibes, and meet some wonderful local Reiki friends? REGISTER by emailing me ( to join our monthly Reiki Share at the downtown studio on Thursday at 6:15pm.

  •  1/20/2024 09:00 AM - 1/21/2024 05:00 PM

💥Registration open now! In this 2-day class, you will become a Reiki Practitioner. This class combines the Reiki Level 1 and Reiki Level 2 teachings into one 2-day class. ⭐️ All those completing this class will receive a certificate and will be fully qualified as a Reiki II Practitioners in the Usui Reiki Ryoho Holy Fire® III method of Reiki for Levels 1 and 2. ⭐️ Everyone who completes the class will be able to channel deeply healing Holy Fire® Reiki energy for themselves and others. ⭐️ REGISTRATION: Please Email me at

  •  1/18/2024 06:00 PM
  •   218 N Tejon St suite 100, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

I predict a fun night in your near future! 🔮 To celebrate my downtown studio, I invite students, clients, and friends to a monthly exploration of all the funky, bougie, and delicious offerings downtown Colorado Springs has to offer! Make some new friends, try some new restaurants, and share all the woo-woo soulful goodness that we want to in the company of fellow Seekers and Soul Sisters! SAVE THE DATES to join the "Woo Crew": Feb. 29 and March 21. We'll meet at Mood Tapas Bar (218 N Tejon St Suite 100). Separate checks. Please RSVP so I can confirm the dinner reservation for the group (

  •  1/14/2024 04:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

All levels welcome for exploration of Intuition in a joyful, supportive atmosphere. ⭐️ You'll be learning how to distinguish imagination from intuition, calming your mind and opening your heart, strengthening your connection to your Spirit Guides and Angels, and practicing with each other to build confidence and trust. Tap into your divine knowing. ⭐️ Each class will include a guided meditation and attunement to Spirit energy, instruction, and plenty of practice. SAVE THE DATES for these fun and transformational classes at Celestial Salt Metaphysical shop in Colorado Springs: 💖 SUNDAYS 4-6pm: February 11, March 20 💖 WEDNESDAYS 6-8pm: January 31, February 28, March 13. Join for one class or the full series. REGISTER by calling 719-370-9858 or visit It's real, it's amazing, and you can do it!

  • $30.00
  •  1/12/2024 04:30 PM
  • Online Event

Join one of Britain's most renowned Psychic Mediums, Tony Stockwell, along with his Spirit Guides as they bring divine philosophy, channelled Readings, energy healing, and prophecy for the group assembled. Expand your understanding of soul communication as you witness an undeniable shift in Tony's appearance and manner of speech as he deeply relaxes into an altered state of consciousness. Prepare to be amazed as he steps his awareness aside and allows Zintar Lungar, a buddhist monk long departed from the Earth, to blend with him energetically.

  •  1/10/2024 11:00 AM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80920, USA

Celestial Salt is a wonderful Metaphysical Center in Colorado Springs. They offer Dry Salt/HaloTherapy and Infrared Sauna Therapy, in addition to selling crystals, books, and other inspired treasures. ⭐️ REGISTER by calling Celestial Salt at 719-370-9858 or visit Readings are 30 minutes and $40.

  • $45.00
  •  1/7/2024 04:30 PM
  • Online Event

⭐️ A very special event featuring international celebrity guest Tony Stockwell as he conducts a gallery demonstration of intuitive mastery. Experience modern eclectic Psychic Readings, Evidential Mediumship, Past Lives, Psychic Detection, Spirit Guides, Star Beings, Animal Communication, and more with one of Britain's most renowned Psychic Mediums! Learn more at

  •  12/27/2023 06:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

All levels welcome for exploration of Intuition in a joyful, supportive atmosphere. ⭐️ You'll be learning how to distinguish imagination from intuition, calming your mind and opening your heart, strengthening your connection to your Spirit Guides and Angels, and practicing with each other to build confidence and trust. Tap into your divine knowing. ⭐️ Each class will include a guided meditation and attunement to Spirit energy, instruction, and plenty of practice. SAVE THE DATES for these fun and transformational classes at Celestial Salt Metaphysical shop in Colorado Springs: 💖 SUNDAYS 4-6pm: January 14, February 11, March 24 💖 WEDNESDAYS 6-8pm: January 31, February 28, March 13. Join for one class or the full series. REGISTER by calling 719-370-9858 or visit It's real, it's amazing, and you can do it!

  •  12/6/2023 09:00 AM - 12/13/2023 09:00 PM

⭐️ Think tropical weather, ocean, yoga, qi gong, psychic development, gourmet healthy foods, jungle and ocean, guided meditations, hypnotherapy, reiki, breathwork, somatic healing, massage, live music, and more! Retreat packages include lodging, meals, and activities. Register with Melissa at 310-774-6191. Learn more at

  •  12/5/2023 11:00 AM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80920, USA

Celestial Salt is a wonderful Metaphysical Center in Colorado Springs. They offer Dry Salt/HaloTherapy and Infrared Sauna Therapy, in addition to selling crystals, books, and other inspired treasures. ⭐️ Readings are 30 minutes and $40. REGISTER by calling Celestial Salt at 719-370-9858 or visit

  •  12/3/2023 04:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

All levels welcome for exploration of Intuition in a joyful, supportive atmosphere. ⭐️ You'll be learning how to distinguish imagination from intuition, calming your mind and opening your heart, strengthening your connection to your Spirit Guides and Angels, and practicing with each other to build confidence and trust. Tap into your divine knowing. ⭐️ Each class will include a guided meditation and attunement to Spirit energy, instruction, and plenty of practice. SAVE THE DATES for these fun and transformational classes at Celestial Salt Metaphysical shop in Colorado Springs: 💖 SUNDAYS 4-6pm: January 14, February 11, March 24 💖 WEDNESDAYS 6-8pm: December 27, January 31, February 28, March 13. Join for one class or the full series. REGISTER by calling 719-370-9858 or visit It's real, it's amazing, and you can do it!

  •  12/1/2023 09:00 AM - 12/3/2023 05:00 PM

In this intermediate 3-day class, you will become a Reiki Master and qualify to teach Reiki to others, both in person and online. This class combines the more traditional Reiki Level 3 (Advanced Reiki Training) and Reiki Level 4 (Reiki Master/Teacher) into one 3-day class. You will receive Healing Experiences and Ignitions into the Holy Fire® III energies, as well as Placement of the Master symbol. ⭐️REGISTRATION: Please Email me at

  •  11/29/2023 06:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

All levels welcome for exploration of Intuition in a joyful, supportive atmosphere. ⭐️ You'll be learning how to distinguish imagination from intuition, calming your mind and opening your heart, strengthening your connection to your Spirit Guides and Angels, and practicing with each other to build confidence and trust. Tap into your divine knowing. ⭐️ Each class will include a guided meditation and attunement to Spirit energy, instruction, and plenty of practice. SAVE THE DATES for these fun and transformational classes at Celestial Salt Metaphysical shop in Colorado Springs: 💖 SUNDAYS 4-6pm: December 3, January 14, February 11, March 24 💖 WEDNESDAYS 6-8pm: December 27, January 31, February 28, March 13. Join for one class or the full series. REGISTER by calling 719-370-9858 or visit It's real, it's amazing, and you can do it!

  • $45.00
  •  11/19/2023 05:30 PM
  • Online Event

⭐️ Soul'd Out! Please join us January 7th. Join me along with a fabulous team of gifted Psychics for an online evening of Intuitive Artistry! Spirit Guides, Mediumship, Tarot, Past Lives, Trance Healing, Angels, Shamanism, Spirit Art, Animal Communication, and more! Everyone is guaranteed two personal Readings in break out rooms from two of our gifted Intuitives.

  •  11/15/2023 06:15 PM
  •   110 1/2 North Tejon Street Suite 210, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Are you a certified Reiki II Practitioner or Reiki Master looking to practice, relax through a guided meditation, receive healing vibes, and meet some wonderful local Reiki friends? REGISTER by emailing me ( to join our monthly Reiki Share at the downtown studio on Wednesday at 6:15pm. *(Normally Shares are on a Thursday, but it is early this week as I am flying to Maryland for a physical seánce at MainsGate with Bill Boldt and the Cline family).

  • $45.00
  •  11/12/2023 06:00 PM
  •   441 Manitou Avenue, Manitou Springs, CO, USA

💥 Only two spots left! Need some Good Vibes? Join the dynamic duo of Molly Adkins (Sound Healing) & Julie Speetjens (Reiki), as they combine their powerful, energetic forces to create a sacred space for you to nourish your soul and achieve deep relaxation. You will receive high vibrations through this multi-sensory immersive experience of simultaneous sound healing and Reiki, plus a guided meditation. ⭐️ Join us monthly on Sunday evening at 6:00pm at Molly's Manitou studio for 90 minutes of deep relaxation to reset your energy before the new week begins. Only $45! REGISTER at

  •  11/9/2023 06:00 PM
  •   Brooklyn's on Boulder 110 E Boulder St

I predict a fun night in your near future! 🔮 To celebrate my downtown studio, I invite students, clients, and friends to a monthly exploration of all the funky, bougie, and delicious offerings downtown Colorado Springs has to offer! Make some new friends, try some new restaurants, and share all the woo-woo soulful goodness that we want to in the company of fellow Seekers and Soul Sisters! SAVE THE DATES to join the "Woo Crew": Dec. 21., Jan. 18, Feb. 29, and March 21. We'll meet at Brooklyn's on Boulder (110 E Boulder St). Separate checks. Please RSVP so I can confirm the dinner reservation for the group (

  •  11/5/2023 04:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

All levels welcome for exploration of Intuition in a joyful, supportive atmosphere. ⭐️ You'll be learning how to distinguish imagination from intuition, calming your mind and opening your heart, strengthening your connection to your Spirit Guides and Angels, and practicing with each other to build confidence and trust. Tap into your divine knowing. ⭐️ Each class will include a guided meditation and attunement to Spirit energy, instruction, and plenty of practice. SAVE THE DATES for these fun and transformational classes at Celestial Salt Metaphysical shop in Colorado Springs: 💖 SUNDAYS 4-6pm: December 3, January 14, February 11, March 24 💖 WEDNESDAYS 6-8pm: November 29, December 27, January 31, February 28, March 13. Join for one class or the full series. REGISTER by calling 719-370-9858 or visit It's real, it's amazing, and you can do it!

  • $45.00
  •  10/29/2023 05:30 PM
  • Online Event

⭐️ Soul'd Out! Get your tickets early for Nov. 19th. Join me along with a fabulous team of gifted Psychics for an online evening of Intuitive Artistry! Spirit Guides, Mediumship, Tarot, Past Lives, Trance Healing, Angels, Shamanism, Spirit Art, Animal Communication, and more! Everyone is guaranteed two personal Readings in break out rooms from two of our gifted Intuitives.

  •  10/20/2023 09:00 AM - 10/22/2023 05:00 PM

In this advanced-level 3-day class, you will receive 8 new symbols, upgrade your Reiki energy with four Ignitions, and qualify to teach Karuna Reiki® to others (both in person and online). The Karuna energy is more refined, works at a deep sub-conscious/cellular level, and feels very nurturing and peaceful. Most Recipients of a Karuna Reiki® healing session are able to relax deeply, and many fall asleep. "Karuna" means compassion, and it inspires the body's return to a state of authentic wellness. ⭐️REGISTRATION: Please Email me at

  •  10/19/2023 06:15 PM
  •   110 1/2 North Tejon Street Suite 210, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Are you a certified Reiki II Practitioner or Reiki Master looking to practice, relax through a guided meditation, receive healing vibes, and meet some wonderful local Reiki friends? REGISTER by emailing me ( to join our monthly Reiki Share at the downtown studio on Thursday at 6:15pm. SAVE THE DATES for the next Reiki Shares on Thursdays at my downtown studio: November 16th.

  •  10/18/2023 06:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

All levels welcome for exploration of Intuition in a joyful, supportive atmosphere. ⭐️ You'll be learning how to distinguish imagination from intuition, calming your mind and opening your heart, strengthening your connection to your Spirit Guides and Angels, and practicing with each other to build confidence and trust. Tap into your divine knowing. ⭐️ Each class will include a guided meditation and attunement to Spirit energy, instruction, and plenty of practice. SAVE THE DATES for these fun and transformational classes at Celestial Salt Metaphysical shop in Colorado Springs: 💖 SUNDAYS 4-6pm: November 5, December 3, January 14, February 11, March 24 💖 WEDNESDAYS 6-8pm: November 29, December 27, January 31, February 28, March 13. Join for one class or the full series. REGISTER by calling 719-370-9858 or visit It's real, it's amazing, and you can do it!

  • $45.00
  •  10/15/2023 06:00 PM
  •   441 Manitou Avenue, Manitou Springs, CO, USA

Need some Good Vibes? Join the dynamic duo of Molly Adkins (Sound Healing) & Julie Speetjens (Reiki), as they combine their powerful, energetic forces to create a sacred space for you to nourish your soul and achieve deep relaxation. You will receive high vibrations through this multi-sensory immersive experience of simultaneous sound healing and Reiki, plus a guided meditation. ⭐️ Join us monthly on Sunday evening at 6:00pm at Molly's Manitou studio for 90 minutes of deep relaxation to reset your energy before the new week begins. Only $45! REGISTER at

  •  10/11/2023 11:00 AM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80920, USA

Celestial Salt is a wonderful Metaphysical Center in Colorado Springs. They offer Dry Salt/HaloTherapy and Infrared Sauna Therapy, in addition to selling crystals, books, and other inspired treasures. ⭐️ REGISTER by calling Celestial Salt at 719-370-9858 or visit Readings are 30 minutes and $40.

  •  10/8/2023 04:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

All levels welcome for exploration of Intuition in a joyful, supportive atmosphere. ⭐️ You'll be learning how to distinguish imagination from intuition, calming your mind and opening your heart, strengthening your connection to your Spirit Guides and Angels, and practicing with each other to build confidence and trust. Tap into your divine knowing. ⭐️ Each class will include a guided meditation and attunement to Spirit energy, instruction, and plenty of practice. SAVE THE DATES for these fun and transformational classes at Celestial Salt Metaphysical shop in Colorado Springs: SUNDAYS - November 5, and December 3, and WEDNESDAYS - October 18, and November 29 Join for one class or the full series. REGISTER by calling 719-370-9858 or visit It's real, it's amazing, and you can do it!

  •  10/7/2023 09:00 AM - 10/8/2023 05:00 PM

💥Registration open now! In this 2-day class, you will become a Reiki Practitioner. This class combines the Reiki Level 1 and Reiki Level 2 teachings into one 2-day class. ⭐️ All those completing this class will receive a certificate and will be fully qualified as a Reiki Practitioners in the Usui Reiki Ryoho Holy Fire® III method of Reiki for Levels 1 and 2. ⭐️ Everyone who completes the class will be able to channel deeply healing Holy Fire® Reiki energy for themselves and others. ⭐️ REGISTRATION: Please Email me at

  •  10/5/2023 06:00 PM
  •   Vine & Wheel 616 S Tejon St, Suite C

I predict a fun night in your near future! 🔮 To celebrate my downtown studio, I invite students, clients, and friends to a monthly exploration of all the funky, bougie, and delicious offerings downtown Colorado Springs has to offer! Make some new friends, try some new restaurants, and share all the woo-woo soulful goodness that we want to in the company of fellow Seekers and Soul Sisters! We'll meet at Vine & Wheel (616 S Tejon St, Suite C). Separate checks. Please RSVP so I can confirm the dinner reservation for the group (

  •  9/28/2023 06:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

A rare Thursday class opportunity! Shifted from Wednesday, September 27 so we can all go support Kat Romero's public speaking endeavor at The Public House at 3104 N Nevada Ave at 6:30pm that night instead. All levels welcome for exploration of Intuition in a joyful, supportive atmosphere. ⭐️ You'll be learning how to distinguish imagination from intuition, calming your mind and opening your heart, strengthening your connection to your Spirit Guides and Angels, and practicing with each other to build confidence and trust. Tap into your divine knowing. ⭐️ Each class will include a guided meditation and attunement to Spirit energy, instruction, and plenty of practice. SAVE THE DATES for these fun and transformational classes at Celestial Salt Metaphysical shop in Colorado Springs: SUNDAYS - October 8, November 5, and December 3, and WEDNESDAYS - October 18 and November 29 Join for one class or the full series. REGISTER by calling 719-370-9858 or visit It's real, it's amazing, and you can do it!

  • $45.00
  •  9/24/2023 05:30 PM
  • Online Event

⭐️ Soul'd Out! Please get your tickets early for Oct. 29. Join me along with a fabulous team of gifted Psychics for an online evening of Intuitive Artistry! Spirit Guides, Mediumship, Tarot, Past Lives, Trance Healing, Angels, Shamanism, Spirit Art, Animal Communication, and more! Everyone is guaranteed two personal Readings in break out rooms from two of our gifted Intuitives.

  • $45.00
  •  9/24/2023 05:30 PM
  • Online Event

⭐️ Soul'd Out! Please get your tickets early for Oct. 29. Join me along with a fabulous team of gifted Psychics for an online evening of Intuitive Artistry! Spirit Guides, Mediumship, Tarot, Past Lives, Trance Healing, Angels, Shamanism, Spirit Art, Animal Communication, and more! Everyone is guaranteed two personal Readings in break out rooms from two of our gifted Intuitives.

  •  9/21/2023 06:15 PM
  •   110 1/2 North Tejon Street Suite 210, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Are you a certified Reiki II Practitioner or Reiki Master looking to practice, relax through a guided meditation, receive healing vibes, and meet some wonderful local Reiki friends? REGISTER by emailing me ( to join our monthly Reiki Share at the new downtown studio on Thursday at 6:15pm. SAVE THE DATES for the next Reiki Shares on Thursdays at my downtown studio: September 21st and October 19th.

  •  9/10/2023 04:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

All levels welcome for exploration of Intuition in a joyful, supportive atmosphere. ⭐️ You'll be learning how to distinguish imagination from intuition, calming your mind and opening your heart, strengthening your connection to your Spirit Guides and Angels, and practicing with each other to build confidence and trust. Tap into your divine knowing. ⭐️ Each class will include a guided meditation and attunement to Spirit energy, instruction, and plenty of practice. SAVE THE DATES for these fun and transformational classes at Celestial Salt Metaphysical shop in Colorado Springs: SUNDAYS - October 8, November 5, and December 3, and WEDNESDAYS - October 18, and November 29, and THURSDAY - September 28 Join for one class or the full series. REGISTER by calling 719-370-9858 or visit It's real, it's amazing, and you can do it!

  •  9/7/2023 06:00 PM
  •   Lumen8 Rooftop Social 402 S Tejon St 8th Flr

I predict a fun night in your near future! 🔮 To celebrate my downtown studio, I invite students, clients, and friends to a monthly exploration of all the funky, bougie, and delicious offerings downtown Colorado Springs has to offer! Make some new friends, try some new restaurants, and share all the woo-woo soulful goodness that we want to in the company of fellow Seekers and Soul Sisters! We'll meet at Lumen8 Rooftop Social (402 S Tejon St, 8th Flr). Separate checks. Please RSVP so I can confirm the dinner reservation for the group (

  •  8/30/2023 06:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

All levels welcome for exploration of Intuition in a joyful, supportive atmosphere. ⭐️ You'll be learning how to distinguish imagination from intuition, calming your mind and opening your heart, strengthening your connection to your Spirit Guides and Angels, and practicing with each other to build confidence and trust. Tap into your divine knowing. ⭐️ Each class will include a guided meditation and attunement to Spirit energy, instruction, and plenty of practice. SAVE THE DATES for these fun and transformational classes at Celestial Salt Metaphysical shop in Colorado Springs: SUNDAYS - September 10, October 8, November 5, and December 3, and WEDNESDAYS - August 30, September 27, October 18, and November 22. Join for one class or the full series. REGISTER by calling 719-370-9858 or visit It's real, it's amazing, and you can do it!

  • $550.00
  •  8/25/2023 09:00 AM - 8/28/2023 05:00 PM
  •   Lily Dale, NY, USA

Have you been wanting to visit the historic and iconic community of Lily Dale, NY?? It's an enchanting hamlet of mediums, psychics, and spiritual seekers with charming victorian roots. Nestled in an old growth forest on a beautiful lake, and filled with whimsy, Lily Dale is a truly unique and peaceful little corner of the world. This 4-day workshop will attune you to Reiki healing energy and then tune you into your intuition with a dynamic duo of teachers.

  •  8/19/2023 10:30 AM
  •   110 1/2 N Tejon St #210, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Interested in joining us for the Japan trip of a lifetime next Spring?! Please join us in-person on online via Zoom to learn more about the itinerary and price. ⭐️ We have truly incredibly experiences scheduled for this trip, including a Sound Healing Experience with Molly's Master Teacher, Green Tea Ceremony, Kanji Calligraphy lesson, Kimono fitting, Bamboo Forest hike, Hot Springs, and a Reiki Attunement on Mt Kurama! ⭐️ Molly lived in Japan for a decade and speaks fluent Japanese. She will be our dedicated Tour Guide and Interpreter, and will teach us all how NOT to be dumb Americans while we're there. ⛩ Please Register for this free and fun event at Eventbrite. Domo arigato!

  •  8/17/2023 06:00 PM
  •   110 1/2 North Tejon Street, #210 Colorado Springs, CO, USA

I predict a fun night in your near future! 🔮 To celebrate my new studio, I invite students, clients, and friends to a monthly exploration of all the funky, bougie, and delicious offerings downtown Colorado Springs has to offer! Make some new friends, try some new restaurants, and share all the woo-woo soulful goodness that we want to in the company of fellow Seekers and Soul Sisters! We'll meet at the studio and then walk to nearby venues. Separate checks. Please RSVP so I can make a dinner reservation for the group (

  •  8/16/2023 06:00 PM - 8/16/2023 08:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

All levels welcome for exploration of Intuition in a joyful, supportive atmosphere. ⭐️ You'll be learning how to distinguish imagination from intuition, calming your mind and opening your heart, strengthening your connection to your Spirit Guides and Angels, and practicing with each other to build confidence and trust. Tap into your divine knowing. ⭐️ Each class will include a guided meditation and attunement to Spirit energy, instruction, and plenty of practice. SAVE THE DATES for these fun and transformational classes at Celestial Salt Metaphysical shop in Colorado Springs: SUNDAYS - September 10, October 8, November 5, and December 3, and WEDNESDAYS - August 16, August 30, September 27, October 18, and November 22. Join for one class or the full series. REGISTER by calling 719-370-9858 or visit It's real, it's amazing, and you can do it!

  • $45.00
  •  7/23/2023 05:30 PM - 7/23/2023 07:30 PM
  • Online Event

⭐️ Sold Out! Please get your tickets early for our next event September 24th. Join me along with a fabulous team of gifted Psychics for an online evening of Intuitive Artistry! Spirit Guides, Mediumship, Tarot, Past Lives, Trance Healing, Angels, Shamanism, Spirit Art, Animal Communication, and more! Everyone is guaranteed two personal Readings in break out rooms from two of our gifted Intuitives.

  •  7/20/2023 06:15 PM - 7/20/2023 08:15 PM
  •   110 1/2 North Tejon Street Suite 210, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Are you a certified Reiki II Practitioner or Reiki Master looking to practice, relax through a guided meditation, receive healing vibes, and meet some wonderful local Reiki friends? REGISTER by emailing me ( to join our monthly Reiki Share at the new downtown studio on Thursday at 6:15pm. SAVE THE DATES for the next Reiki Shares on Thursdays at my downtown studio: September 21st and October 19th.

  •  7/19/2023 06:00 PM - 7/19/2023 08:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

All levels welcome for exploration of Intuition in a joyful, supportive atmosphere. ⭐️ You'll be learning how to distinguish imagination from intuition, calming your mind and opening your heart, strengthening your connection to your Spirit Guides and Angels, and practicing with each other to build confidence and trust. Tap into your divine knowing. ⭐️ Each class will include a guided meditation and attunement to Spirit energy, instruction, and plenty of practice. SAVE THE DATES for these fun and transformational classes at Celestial Salt Metaphysical shop in Colorado Springs: SUNDAYS - September 10, October 8, November 5, and December 3, and WEDNESDAYS - July 19, August 16, August 30, September 27, October 18, and November 22. Join for one class or the full series. REGISTER by calling 719-370-9858 or visit It's real, it's amazing, and you can do it!

  •  7/19/2023 11:00 AM - 7/19/2023 06:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80920, USA

Celestial Salt is a wonderful Metaphysical Center in Colorado Springs. They offer Dry Salt/HaloTherapy and Infrared Sauna Therapy, in addition to selling crystals, books, and other inspired treasures. ⭐️ REGISTER by calling Celestial Salt at 719-370-9858 or visit Readings are 30 minutes and $40. ⭐️ SAVE THE DATE for the next Reading opportunity with me at Celestial Salt: September 12th, and October 11th.

  •  7/14/2023 09:00 AM - 7/16/2023 05:00 PM

In this intermediate 3-day class, you will become a Reiki Master and qualify to teach Reiki to others, both in person and online. This class combines the more traditional Reiki Level 3 (Advanced Reiki Training) and Reiki Level 4 (Reiki Master/Teacher) into one 3-day class. You will receive Healing Experiences and Ignitions into the Holy Fire® III energies, as well as Placement of the Master symbol. ⭐️REGISTRATION: Please Email me at

  •  7/11/2023 11:00 AM - 7/11/2023 06:00 PM
  •   609 South Cascade Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Join me to experience a uniquely empowering Reading in the elegant and soulful lobby of The Mae. Receive divine connection, clarity, and insight. Readings are 30 minutes for $45. Walk-ins welcome.

  • $45.00
  •  7/9/2023 06:00 PM - 7/9/2023 07:30 PM

Sold Out! Please register early for September 3rd, or join us at The Living Room plant shop on July 25th. Need some Good Vibes? Join the dynamic duo of Molly Adkins (Sound Healing) & Julie Speetjens (Reiki), as they combine their powerful, energetic forces to create a sacred space for you to nourish your soul and achieve deep relaxation. You will receive high vibrations through this multi-sensory immersive experience of simultaneous sound healing and Reiki, plus a guided meditation. ⭐️ Join us on Sunday evening at 6:00pm at the Lotus Center for Wellbeing for 90 minutes of deep relaxation to reset your energy before the new week begins. Only $45! Due to popular demand, SAVE THE DATES for our next Power Hour events on Sundays: July 9th (Lotus Ctr for Wellbeing), and the Sept. 3rd, and Oct. 15th events will be hosted at Molly's new studio (441 Manitou Ave.). REGISTER at

  •  7/8/2023 09:00 AM - 7/9/2023 05:00 PM

💥Registration open now! In this 2-day class, you will become a Reiki Practitioner. This class combines the Reiki Level 1 and Reiki Level 2 teachings into one 2-day class. ⭐️ All those completing this class will receive a certificate and will be fully qualified as a Reiki Practitioners in the Usui Reiki Ryoho Holy Fire® III method of Reiki for Levels 1 and 2. ⭐️ Everyone who completes the class will be able to channel deeply healing Holy Fire® Reiki energy for themselves and others. ⭐️ REGISTRATION: Please Email me at

  •  7/2/2023 04:00 PM - 7/2/2023 06:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

All levels welcome for exploration of Intuition in a joyful, supportive atmosphere. ⭐️ You'll be learning how to distinguish imagination from intuition, calming your mind and opening your heart, strengthening your connection to your Spirit Guides and Angels, and practicing with each other to build confidence and trust. Tap into your divine knowing. ⭐️ Each class will include a guided meditation and attunement to Spirit energy, instruction, and plenty of practice. SAVE THE DATES for these fun and transformational classes at Celestial Salt Metaphysical shop in Colorado Springs: SUNDAYS - September 10, October 8, November 5, and December 3, and WEDNESDAYS - July 2, July 19, August 16, August 30, September 27, October 18, and November 22. Join for one class or the full series. REGISTER by calling 719-370-9858 or visit It's real, it's amazing, and you can do it!

  •  6/21/2023 06:00 PM - 6/21/2023 08:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

All levels welcome for exploration of Intuition in a joyful, supportive atmosphere. ⭐️ You'll be learning how to distinguish imagination from intuition, calming your mind and opening your heart, strengthening your connection to your Spirit Guides and Angels, and practicing with each other to build confidence and trust. Tap into your divine knowing. ⭐️ Each class will include a guided meditation and attunement to Spirit energy, instruction, and plenty of practice. SAVE THE DATES for these fun and transformational classes at Celestial Salt Metaphysical shop in Colorado Springs: SUNDAYS - September 10, October 8, November 5, and December 3, and WEDNESDAYS - June 21, July 19, August 16, August 30, September 27, October 18, and November 22. Join for one class or the full series. REGISTER by calling 719-370-9858 or visit It's real, it's amazing, and you can do it!

  •  6/20/2023 11:00 AM - 6/20/2023 06:00 PM
  •   23 East Rio Grande Street, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

I love plants, and The Living Room is my favorite plant shop in downtown Colorado Springs! It's a cheerful, colorful, and cozy jungle. Join me there on Tuesday from 11am-6pm for some divine connection, clarity, and insight, and maybe take home a new leafy friend. 🪴 Readings are 30 minutes and $45. Limited sessions available, please reserve your spot today by calling 719-465-1470, or simply drop in.

  •  6/15/2023 06:15 PM - 6/15/2023 08:15 PM
  •   5585 Erindale Dr #203, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Are you a certified Reiki II Practitioner or Reiki Master looking to practice, relax through a guided meditation, receive healing vibes, and meet some wonderful local Reiki friends? REGISTER by emailing me ( to join our monthly Reiki Share at the Lotus Center for Wellbeing on Thursday at 6:15pm. SAVE THE DATES for the next Reiki Shares on Thursdays: July 20th and September 21st.

  • $45.00
  •  6/11/2023 05:30 PM - 6/11/2023 07:30 PM
  • Online Event

💥 Sold Out, please get your tickets early for July 23rd. Join me along with a fabulous team of gifted Psychics for an online evening of Intuitive Artistry! Spirit Guides, Mediumship, Tarot, Past Lives, Trance Healing, Angels, Shamanism, Spirit Art, Animal Communication, and more! Everyone is guaranteed two personal Readings in break out rooms from two of our gifted Intuitives.

  •  6/6/2023 11:00 AM - 6/6/2023 06:00 PM
  •   609 South Cascade Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Join me to experience a uniquely empowering Reading in the elegant and soulful lobby of The Mae. Receive divine connection, clarity, and insight. Readings are 30 minutes for $45. Walk-ins welcome.

  •  6/4/2023 06:00 PM - 6/4/2023 07:30 PM
  •   5585 Erindale Drive #203, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

This event always sells out, so please register early! Need some Good Vibes? Join the dynamic duo of Molly Adkins (Sound Healing) & Julie Speetjens (Reiki), as they combine their powerful, energetic forces to create a sacred space for you to nourish your soul and achieve deep relaxation. You will receive high vibrations through this multi-sensory immersive experience of simultaneous sound healing and Reiki, plus a guided meditation. ⭐️ Join us on Sunday evening at 6:00pm at the Lotus Center for Wellbeing for 90 minutes of deep relaxation to reset your energy before the new week begins. Only $45! Due to popular demand, SAVE THE DATES for our next Power Hour event on Sunday: July 9th, Sept. 3rd, and Oct. 15th! REGISTER at

  •  6/2/2023 09:00 AM - 6/4/2023 05:00 PM

In this advanced-level 3-day class, you will receive 8 new symbols, upgrade your Reiki energy with four Ignitions, and qualify to teach Karuna Reiki® to others (both in person and online). The Karuna energy is more refined, works at a deep sub-conscious/cellular level, and feels very nurturing and peaceful. Most Recipients of a Karuna Reiki® healing session are able to relax deeply, and many fall asleep. "Karuna" means compassion, and it inspires the body's return to a state of authentic wellness. ⭐️REGISTRATION: Please Email me at

  • $45.00
  •  6/1/2023 06:00 PM - 6/1/2023 07:30 PM
  •   22 East Rio Grande Street, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

💥Sold Out! Please join us this Sunday at the studio instead. Do you need some Good Vibes? Are you craving the peace and rejuvenation of an urban jungle? Are you ready to relax? ⭐️ Then join the dynamic duo of Molly Adkins (Sound Healing) & Julie Speetjens (Reiki) at The Living Room Plant shop, as they combine their powerful, energetic forces to create a sacred space for you to nourish your soul and achieve deep relaxation. You will receive high vibrations through this multi-sensory immersive experience of simultaneous sound healing and Reiki, plus a guided meditation, all while surrounded by an incredible array of beautiful and happy plants. We'll provide the yoga mats, you just bring an open mind and heart. ⭐️ Join us on Thursday evening at 6:00pm at The Living Room plant shop downtown for 90 minutes of deep relaxation to refresh and reset your energy. Only $45! Limited spots are filling quickly, REGISTER now at

  •  5/31/2023 11:00 AM - 5/31/2023 06:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80920, USA

Tune In with a uniquely empowering psychic or medium Reading with me and/or Tune Up with an enchanting Sound Healing session with Molly Adkins of Sacred Sound Healing ( Celestial Salt is a wonderful Metaphysical Center in Colorado Springs. They offer Dry Salt/HaloTherapy and Infrared Sauna Therapy, in addition to selling crystals, books, and other inspired treasures. Join me there to receive divine connection, clarity, and insight... and/or receive a refreshing mini-sound healing session from Molly Adkins. Tune In & Tune Up! Readings and sound healing sessions are each 30 minutes for $40. Walk-ins welcome. ⭐️ REGISTER by calling Celestial Salt at 719-370-9858 or visit ⭐️ SAVE THE DATE for the next Reading opportunity with me at Celestial Salt on July 19th.

  •  5/28/2023 04:00 PM - 5/28/2023 06:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

In-Person spots are Sold Out, but you can still register and join online! All levels welcome for monthly exploration of Intuition in a joyful, supportive atmosphere. ⭐️ You'll be learning how to distinguish imagination from intuition, calming your mind and opening your heart, strengthening your connection to your Spirit Guides and Angels, and practicing with each other to build confidence and trust. Tap into your divine knowing. ⭐️ Each class will include a guided meditation and attunement to Spirit energy, instruction, and plenty of practice. SAVE THE DATES for these monthly classes at Celestial Salt Metaphysical shop in Colorado Springs on Sundays: July 2nd, September 10, October 8, November 5, and December 3. REGISTER by calling 719-370-9858 or visit It's real, it's amazing, and you can do it!

  •  5/25/2023 06:15 PM - 5/25/2023 08:15 PM
  •   5585 Erindale Dr #203, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Are you a certified Reiki II Practitioner or Reiki Master looking to practice, relax through a guided meditation, receive healing vibes, and meet some wonderful local Reiki friends? REGISTER by emailing me ( to join our monthly Reiki Share at the Lotus Center for Wellbeing on Thursday at 6:15pm. SAVE THE DATES for the next Reiki Shares on Thursdays: June 15th and July 20th.

  • $50
  •  5/24/2023 05:30 PM
  •   7689 N Union Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80920, USA

Connect with Mother Gaia and your inner goddess energy as you ground, explore, and create artwork with found items from nature (sea shells, sand, crystals, feathers, driftwood, moss, etc...). Experience a guided meditation and simple breathwork, combined with an immersive soundscape and art instruction as you dabble with the divine!

  •  5/23/2023 11:00 AM - 5/23/2023 06:00 PM
  •   23 East Rio Grande Street, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

I love plants, and The Living Room is my favorite plant shop in downtown Colorado Springs! It's a cheerful, colorful, and cozy jungle. Join me there on Tuesday from 11am-6pm for some divine connection, clarity, and insight, and maybe take home a new leafy friend. 🪴 Readings are 30 minutes and $45. Limited sessions available, please reserve your spot today by calling 719-465-1470, or simply drop in.

  • $45.00
  •  5/21/2023 05:30 PM - 5/21/2023 07:30 PM
  • Online Event

⭐️ Sold Out! Please get your tickets early for our next event June 11th. Join me along with a fabulous team of gifted Psychics for an online evening of Intuitive Artistry! Spirit Guides, Mediumship, Tarot, Past Lives, Trance Healing, Angels, Shamanism, Spirit Art, Animal Communication, and more! Everyone is guaranteed two personal Readings in break out rooms from two of our gifted Intuitives.

  •  5/9/2023 11:00 AM - 5/9/2023 06:00 PM
  •   609 South Cascade Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Join me to experience a uniquely empowering Reading in the elegant and soulful lobby of The Mae. Receive divine connection, clarity, and insight... and/or receive a refreshing mini-sound healing session from Molly Adkins of Sacred Sound Healing ( Tune In & Tune Up! Readings and sound healing sessions are each 30 minutes for $45. Walk-ins welcome.

  •  5/7/2023 06:00 PM - 5/7/2023 07:30 PM
  •   5585 Erindale Drive #203, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

UPDATE: SOLD OUT!🎉 Please register early for June 1st Power Hour at The Living Room plant shop or June 4th at the studio. Need some Good Vibes? Join the dynamic duo of Molly Adkins (Sound Healing) & Julie Speetjens (Reiki), as they combine their powerful, energetic forces to create a sacred space for you to nourish your soul and achieve deep relaxation. You will receive high vibrations through this multi-sensory immersive experience of simultaneous sound healing and Reiki, plus a guided meditation. ⭐️ Join us on Sunday evening at 6:00pm at the Lotus Center for Wellbeing for 90 minutes of deep relaxation to reset your energy before the new week begins. Only $45! Due to popular demand, SAVE THE DATES for our next Power Hour event on Sunday: June 4th, July 9th, Sept. 3rd, and Oct. 15th! REGISTER at

  •  4/30/2023 04:00 PM - 4/30/2023 06:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

💥 Sold Out in-person (online spots still available)! Please register early for the May 28 class. All levels welcome for monthly exploration of Intuition in a joyful, supportive atmosphere! ⭐️ You'll be learning how to distinguish imagination from intuition, calming your mind and opening your heart, strengthening your connection to your Spirit Guides and Angels, and practicing with each other to build confidence and trust. Tap into your divine knowing. ⭐️ Each class will include a guided meditation and attunement to Spirit energy, instruction, and plenty of practice. SAVE THE DATES for these monthly classes at Celestial Salt Metaphysical shop in Colorado Springs on Sundays: May 28th, July 2nd, September 10, October 8, November 5, and December 3. REGISTER by calling 719-370-9858 or visit It's real, it's amazing, and you can do it!

  • $30
  •  4/30/2023 12:00 PM
  • Online Event

Learn more at

  •  4/29/2023 11:00 AM - 4/29/2023 06:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80920, USA

Celestial Salt is a wonderful new Metaphysical Center in Colorado Springs. They offer Dry Salt/HaloTherapy and Infrared Sauna Therapy, in addition to selling crystals, books, and other inspired treasures. REGISTER by calling Celestial Salt at 719-370-9858 or visit Readings are 20 minutes and $30. SAVE THE DATE for the next Reading opportunity with me at Celestial Salt on Wednesdays: May 31st, June 28th, and July 19th.

  •  4/25/2023 11:00 AM - 4/25/2023 06:00 PM
  •   23 East Rio Grande Street, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

I love plants, and The Living Room is my favorite plant shop in downtown Colorado Springs! It's a cheerful, colorful, and cozy jungle. Join me there on Tuesday from 11am-6pm for some divine connection, clarity, and insight, and maybe take home a new leafy friend. 🪴 Readings are 30 minutes and $45. Limited sessions available, please reserve your spot today by calling 719-465-1470, or simply drop in.

  •  4/22/2023 09:00 AM - 4/23/2023 05:00 PM

💥Sold Out! Please register early for the July 8-9 certification class. In this 2-day class, you will become a Reiki Practitioner. This class combines the Reiki Level 1 and Reiki Level 2 teachings into one 2-day class. ⭐️ All those completing this class will receive a certificate and will be fully qualified as a Reiki Practitioners in the Usui Reiki Ryoho Holy Fire® III method of Reiki for Levels 1 and 2. ⭐️ Everyone who completes the class will be able to channel deeply healing Holy Fire® Reiki energy for themselves and others. ⭐️ REGISTRATION: Please Email me at

  •  4/20/2023 06:15 PM - 4/20/2023 08:15 PM
  •   5585 Erindale Dr #203, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Are you a certified Reiki II Practitioner or Reiki Master looking to practice, relax through a guided meditation, receive healing vibes, and meet some wonderful local Reiki friends? REGISTER by emailing me ( to join our monthly Reiki Share at the Lotus Center for Wellbeing on Thursday at 6:15pm. SAVE THE DATES for the next Reiki Shares on Thursdays: May 25th, June 22nd, and July 20th.

  • $45.00
  •  4/16/2023 05:30 PM - 4/16/2023 07:30 PM
  • Online Event

⭐️ Sold Out! Get your tickets early for May 21st. Join me along with a fabulous team of gifted Psychics for an online evening of Intuitive Artistry! Spirit Guides, Mediumship, Tarot, Past Lives, Trance Healing, Angels, Shamanism, Spirit Art, Animal Communication, and more! Everyone is guaranteed two personal Readings in break out rooms from two of our gifted Intuitives.

  •  4/11/2023 11:00 AM - 4/11/2023 06:00 PM
  •   609 South Cascade Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Tune In with a uniquely empowering psychic or medium Reading and Tune Up with an enchanting Sound Healing session in the elegant and soulful lobby of The Mae.

  •  4/5/2023 11:00 AM - 4/5/2023 06:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80920, USA

Celestial Salt is a wonderful Metaphysical Center in Colorado Springs. They offer Dry Salt/HaloTherapy and Infrared Sauna Therapy, in addition to selling crystals, books, and other inspired treasures. ⭐️ REGISTER by calling Celestial Salt at 719-370-9858 or visit Readings are 30 minutes and $40. ⭐️ SAVE THE DATE for the next Reading opportunity with me at Celestial Salt on Wednesdays: May 31st, June 28th, and July 19th.

  •  4/2/2023 06:00 PM - 4/2/2023 07:30 PM
  •   5585 Erindale Drive #203, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

💥 Sold Out! Please register early for May 7th. Need some Good Vibes? Join the dynamic duo of Molly Adkins (Sound Healing) & Julie Speetjens (Reiki), as they combine their powerful, energetic forces to create a sacred space for you to nourish your soul and achieve deep relaxation. You will receive high vibrations through this multi-sensory immersive experience of simultaneous sound healing and Reiki, plus a guided meditation. ⭐️ Join us on Sunday evening at 6:00pm at the Lotus Center for Wellbeing for 90 minutes of deep relaxation to reset your energy before the new week begins. Only $45! Due to popular demand, SAVE THE DATE for our next Power Hour event on Sunday: May 7th, June 4th, July 9th, Sept. 3rd, and Oct. 15th! REGISTER at

  •  3/24/2023 09:00 AM - 3/26/2023 05:00 PM

In this advanced-level 3-day class, you will receive 8 new symbols, upgrade your Reiki energy with four Ignitions, and qualify to teach Karuna Reiki® to others (both in person and online). The Karuna energy is more refined, works at a deep sub-conscious/cellular level, and feels very nurturing and peaceful. Most Recipients of a Karuna Reiki® healing session are able to relax deeply, and many fall asleep. "Karuna" means compassion, and it inspires the body's return to a state of authentic wellness. ⭐️REGISTRATION: Please Email me at

  •  3/19/2023 07:30 PM - 3/19/2023 09:00 PM
  •   Cave of the Winds Road, Cascade, CO, USA

This event always sells out, so please register today. Join The Medicine Music Project with special guest John ThunderHeart Robinson in the Cave of the Winds as we shine our inner lights and infuse Mother Earth and each other with Reiki, vibrational tones, and musical instruments. This will be a dreamy, relaxing, and uniquely powerful healing experience. TICKETS: $55 advanced purchase, contact Melissa at or text (310) 774-6191.

  •  3/19/2023 04:00 PM - 3/19/2023 06:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

💖 UPDATE: In-person spots are Sold Out, but you can join and practice via Zoom with breakout rooms! Please register early for the April 30th class. All levels welcome for monthly exploration of Intuition in a joyful, supportive atmosphere! ⭐️ You'll be learning how to distinguish imagination from intuition, calming your mind and opening your heart, strengthening your connection to your Spirit Guides and Angels, and practicing with each other to build confidence and trust. Tap into your divine knowing. ⭐️ Each class will include a guided meditation and attunement to Spirit energy, instruction, and plenty of practice. SAVE THE DATES for these monthly classes at Celestial Salt Metaphysical shop in Colorado Springs on Sundays: April 30th, May 28th, July 2nd, September 10, October 8, November 5, and December 3. REGISTER by calling 719-370-9858 or visit It's real, it's amazing, and you can do it!

  •  3/16/2023 06:15 PM - 3/16/2023 08:15 PM
  •   5585 Erindale Dr #203, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Are you a certified Reiki II Practitioner or Reiki Master looking to practice, relax through a guided meditation, receive healing vibes, and meet some wonderful local Reiki friends? REGISTER by emailing me ( to join our monthly Reiki Share at the Lotus Center for Wellbeing on Thursday at 6:15pm. SAVE THE DATES for the next Reiki Shares on Thursdays: April 20th, May 25th, June 22nd, and July 20th.

  •  3/15/2023 11:00 AM
  •   609 South Cascade Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Experience a uniquely empowering Reading in the elegant and soulful lobby of The Mae.

  • $40.00
  •  3/12/2023 05:30 PM - 3/12/2023 07:30 PM
  • Online Event

Sold Out! Please get your tickets early for April 16th. Join me along with a fabulous team of gifted Psychics for an online evening of Intuitive Artistry! Spirit Guides, Mediumship, Tarot, Past Lives, Trance Healing, Angels, Shamanism, Spirit Art, Animal Communication, and more! Everyone is guaranteed two personal Readings in break out rooms from two of our gifted Intuitives.

  •  3/8/2023 11:00 AM - 3/8/2023 06:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80920, USA

Celestial Salt is a wonderful Metaphysical Center in Colorado Springs. They offer Dry Salt/HaloTherapy and Infrared Sauna Therapy, in addition to selling crystals, books, and other inspired treasures. ⭐️ REGISTER by calling Celestial Salt at 719-370-9858 or visit Readings are 30 minutes and $40. ⭐️ SAVE THE DATE for the next Reading opportunity with me at Celestial Salt on Wednesdays: April 5th, May 31st, June 28th, and July 19th.

  •  3/3/2023 09:00 AM - 3/5/2023 05:00 PM

In this intermediate 3-day class, you will become a Reiki Master and qualify to teach Reiki to others, both in person and online. This class combines the more traditional Reiki Level 3 (Advanced Reiki Training) and Reiki Level 4 (Reiki Master/Teacher) into one 3-day class. You will receive Healing Experiences and Ignitions into the Holy Fire® III energies, as well as Placement of the Master symbol. ⭐️REGISTRATION: Please Email me at

  •  2/26/2023 04:00 PM - 2/26/2023 06:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Sold Out - please register early for March 19th or April 30th. All levels welcome for monthly exploration of Intuition in a joyful, supportive atmosphere! ⭐️ You'll be learning how to distinguish imagination from intuition, calming your mind and opening your heart, strengthening your connection to your Spirit Guides and Angels, and practicing with each other to build confidence and trust. Tap into your divine knowing. ⭐️ Each class will include a guided meditation and attunement to Spirit energy, instruction, and plenty of practice. SAVE THE DATES for these monthly classes at Celestial Salt Metaphysical shop in Colorado Springs on Sundays: March 19, April 30, May 28, and July 2. REGISTER by calling 719-370-9858 or visit It's real, it's amazing, and you can do it!

  •  2/23/2023 06:15 PM - 2/23/2023 08:15 PM
  •   5585 Erindale Dr #203, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Are you a certified Reiki II Practitioner or Reiki Master looking to practice, relax through a guided meditation, receive healing vibes, and meet some wonderful local Reiki friends? REGISTER by emailing me ( to join our monthly Reiki Share at the Lotus Center for Wellbeing on Thursday at 6:15pm. SAVE THE DATES for the next Reiki Shares on Thursdays March 16th and April 13th.

  •  2/21/2023 11:00 AM - 2/21/2023 06:00 PM
  •   23 East Rio Grande Street, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

I love plants, and The Living Room is my favorite plant shop in downtown Colorado Springs! It's a cheerful, colorful, and cozy jungle. Join me there on Tuesday, February 21st from 11am-6pm for some divine connection, clarity, and insight, and maybe take home a new leafy friend. 🪴 Readings are 30 minutes and $45. Just drop by to REGISTER, or call the shop to reserve your spot. Of course, if this day doesn't fit your schedule, or if you want a longer Reading, you can always book a session with me directly. SAVE THE DATES for the next opportunity for a Reading at The Living Room on Tuesday, March 28th.

  • $40.00
  •  2/19/2023 05:30 PM - 2/19/2023 07:30 PM
  • Online Event

⭐️ SOLD OUT - please get your tickets early for March 12 and April 16th. Join me along with a fabulous team of gifted Psychics for an online evening of Intuitive Artistry! Spirit Guides, Mediumship, Tarot, Past Lives, Trance Healing, Angels, Shamanism, Spirit Art, Animal Communication, and more! Everyone is guaranteed two personal Readings in break out rooms from two of our gifted Intuitives.

  •  2/5/2023 06:00 PM - 2/5/2023 07:30 PM
  •   5585 Erindale Drive #203, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

This event always sells out, so please register early! Need some Good Vibes? Join the dynamic duo of Molly Adkins (Sound Healing) & Julie Speetjens (Reiki), as they combine their powerful, energetic forces to create a sacred space for you to nourish your soul and achieve deep relaxation. You will receive high vibrations through this multi-sensory immersive experience of simultaneous sound healing and Reiki, plus a guided meditation. ⭐️ Experience the benefits of a cozy, personal event, and empower your unique intentions through focused individual healing attention from both Molly and Julie. ⭐️ Join us on Sunday evening at 6:00pm at the Lotus Center for Wellbeing for 90 minutes of deep relaxation to reset your energy before the new week begins. Only $45! Due to popular demand, SAVE THE DATES for our next Power Hour events on Sunday April 2nd and May 7th! REGISTER at

  •  2/4/2023 09:00 AM - 2/5/2023 05:00 PM

SOLD OUT (for in-person spots though there are online spots still available). Please register now for the next Reiki I/II class April 22-23. In this 2-day class, you will become a Reiki Practitioner. This class combines the Reiki Level 1 and Reiki Level 2 teachings into one 2-day class. ⭐️ All those completing this class will receive a certificate and will be fully qualified as a Reiki Practitioners in the Usui Reiki Ryoho Holy Fire® III method of Reiki for Levels 1 and 2. ⭐️ Everyone who completes the class will be able to channel deeply healing Holy Fire® Reiki energy for themselves and others. 💖 Class Fee: $425 (USD) Deposit of $200 is due at time of registration with balance due 7 days before class ⭐️ REGISTRATION: Please Email me at

  •  1/29/2023 04:00 PM - 1/29/2023 06:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

SOLD OUT, please register early for the February 26th class. All levels welcome for monthly exploration of Intuition in a joyful, supportive atmosphere! You'll be learning how to distinguish imagination from intuition, calming your mind and opening your heart, strengthening your connection to your Spirit Guides and Angels, and practicing with each other to build confidence and trust. Tap into your divine knowing. ⭐️ Psychic Readings ⭐️ Mediumship Readings ⭐️ Past Lives ⭐️ Spirit Guides and Angels ⭐️ Psychometry ⭐️ Oracle Cards ⭐️Each class will include a guided meditation and attunement to Spirit energy, instruction, and plenty of practice. SAVE THE DATES for these monthly classes at Celestial Salt Metaphysical shop in Colorado Springs on Sundays: February 26, March 19, April 30, May 28, and July 2. REGISTER by calling 719-370-9858 or visit It's real, it's amazing, and you can do it!

  •  1/28/2023 11:00 AM - 1/28/2023 06:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80920, USA

Celestial Salt is a wonderful new Metaphysical Center in Colorado Springs. They offer Dry Salt/HaloTherapy and Infrared Sauna Therapy, in addition to selling crystals, books, and other inspired treasures. REGISTER by calling Celestial Salt at 719-370-9858 or visit Readings are 20 minutes and $30. Of course, if this day doesn't fit your schedule, or if you want a longer Reading, you can always book a session with me directly. SAVE THE DATE for the next Reading opportunity with me at Celestial Salt on Wednesdays: March 8th, April 5th, May 31st, June 28th, and July 19th.

  •  1/26/2023 06:15 PM - 1/26/2023 08:15 PM
  •   5585 Erindale Dr, #203

Are you a certified Reiki II Practitioner or Reiki Master looking to practice, relax through a guided meditation, receive healing vibes, and meet some wonderful local Reiki friends? REGISTER by emailing me ( to join our monthly Reiki Share at the Lotus Center for Wellbeing on Thursday, January 26th at 6:15pm. In-person registration is limited so that everyone will have the opportunity to give and to receive Reiki. This event will last approximately 2 hours. A minimum suggested donation of $20 is much appreciated. SAVE THE DATES for the next Reiki Shares on Thursdays: February 23rd, March 16th, and April 13th.

  •  1/24/2023 11:00 AM - 1/24/2023 06:00 PM
  •   23 East Rio Grande Street, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

I love plants, and The Living Room is my favorite plant shop in downtown Colorado Springs! It's a cheerful, colorful, and cozy jungle. Join me there on Tuesday, January 24th from 11am-6pm for some divine connection, clarity, and insight, and maybe take home a new leafy friend. 🪴 Readings are 30 minutes and $45. Just drop by to REGISTER, or call the shop to reserve your spot. Of course, if this day doesn't fit your schedule, or if you want a longer Reading, you can always book a session with me directly. SAVE THE DATES for the next opportunity for a Reading at The Living Room on Tuesdays February 21st and March 28th.

  •  1/21/2023 07:00 PM
  •   OnaLedge Historic Lodge at SunMountain Ctr

Join me for an exclusive group demonstration of Psychic, Medium, & Soul Journey Readings. This will be a cozy and heart-centered celebration of the intuitive arts, surrounded by candlelight and ensconced within an enchanting historic mansion. Free to all Align Yoga Retreat participants! 💥 Day passes available! Includes: 2 Yoga sessions with Dawn Stillo, Meditation, Temple Dance Class, Soul Speak Intuitive Arts Demonstration, Drum Circle with Ecstatic Dance, Jacuzzi, and Gourmet Meals. Only $299 ⭐️ REGISTER with Melissa at or text (310) 774-6191.

  •  1/19/2023 06:00 PM - 1/19/2023 08:00 PM
  •   Cave of the Winds Road, Cascade, CO, USA

SOLD OUT! Join The Medicine Music Project with special guest John ThunderHeart Robinson in the Cave of the Winds as we shine our inner lights and infuse Mother Earth and each other with Reiki, vibrational tones, and musical instruments. This will be a dreamy, relaxing, and uniquely powerful healing experience. TICKETS: $45 advanced purchase, contact Melissa at or text (310) 774-6191. Free to all Align Yoga Retreat participants. Please register early for our next event on March 19th.

  • $40.00
  •  1/15/2023 03:30 PM - 1/15/2023 05:00 PM
  • Online Event

💥EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT! This is a very special Soul Journey Sundays event! Please join our incredible celebrity guest, Tony Stockwell, for an inspiring online gallery demonstration of Intuitive Mastery. ✨ The evening promises to be an eclectic display of Soul Arts. Setting the intention that each link will contain a unique element to demonstrate how it is possible to work with a wondrous array of intuitive crafts, which may include Psychic Readings, Soul to Soul Readings, Psychometry, Evidential Mediumship, Past Lives, invoking Spirit Guides, and so much more! ✨ All ticketed Participants have an equal opportunity to receive an unforgettable Reading from Tony! This is a rare and wonderful chance to experience the unmatched skill and style of one of the UK's most distinguished Psychic Mediums. ✨ Tony Stockwell is an internationally-acclaimed best-selling Author, Teacher, and Speaker with a career spanning 30 years. Learn more about Tony at

  •  1/8/2023 06:00 PM - 1/8/2023 07:30 PM
  •   5585 Erindale Drive #203, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

SOLD OUT! Please register early for next month. Need some Good Vibes? Join the dynamic duo of Molly Adkins (Sound Healing) & Julie Speetjens (Reiki), as they combine their powerful, energetic forces to create a sacred space for you to nourish your soul and achieve deep relaxation. You will receive high vibrations through this multi-sensory immersive experience of simultaneous sound healing and Reiki, plus a guided meditation. Experience the benefits of a cozy, personal event, and empower your unique intentions through focused individual healing attention from both Molly and Julie. Join us on Sunday evening, January 8th at 6:00pm at the Lotus Center for Wellbeing for 90 minutes of deep relaxation to reset your energy before the new week begins. Only $45! Due to popular demand, SAVE THE DATES for our next Power Hour events on Sundays February 5th and April 2nd! REGISTER at

  •  1/3/2023 11:00 AM - 1/3/2023 06:00 PM
  •   23 East Rio Grande Street, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

I love plants, and The Living Room is my favorite plant shop in downtown Colorado Springs! It's a cheerful, colorful, and cozy jungle. Join me there on Tuesday, January 3rd from 11am-6pm for some divine connection, clarity, and insight, and maybe take home a new leafy friend. 🪴 Start the year off right! Readings are 30 minutes and $45. Just drop by to REGISTER, or call the shop to reserve your spot. Of course, if this day doesn't fit your schedule, or if you want a longer Reading, you can always book a session with me directly. SAVE THE DATES for the next opportunity for a Reading at The Living Room on Tuesdays: January 24th, February 21st, and March 28th.

  •  12/18/2022 04:00 PM - 12/18/2022 06:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

All levels welcome for monthly exploration of Intuition in a joyful, supportive atmosphere! We'll be learning how to distinguish imagination from intuition, calming our minds and opening our hearts, strengthening our connection to our Spirit Guides and Angels, and practicing with each other to build confidence and trust. Tap into your divine knowing. ⭐️ Psychic Readings ⭐️ Mediumship Readings ⭐️ Past Lives ⭐️ Spirit Guides and Angels ⭐️ Psychometry ⭐️ Soul to Soul and Higher Selves ⭐️ Oracle Cards Each class will include a guided meditation and attunement to Spirit energy, instruction, and plenty of practice. SAVE THE DATES for these monthly classes at Celestial Salt Metaphysical shop on Sundays: January 29, February 26, March 19, and April 30. REGISTER by calling 719-370-9858 or visit It's real, it's amazing, and you can do it!

  •  12/14/2022 12:00 PM - 12/14/2022 05:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80920, USA

Celestial Salt is a wonderful new Metaphysical Center in Colorado Springs. They offer Dry Salt/HaloTherapy and Infrared Sauna Therapy, in addition to selling crystals, books, and other inspired treasures. REGISTER by calling Celestial Salt at 719-370-9858 or visit Readings are 30 minutes and $40. Of course, if this day doesn't fit your schedule, or if you want a longer Reading, you can always book a session with me directly. SAVE THE DATES for the next Reading opportunities with me at Celestial Salt: January 28th (Psychic Fair), March 8th, April 5th, and May 31st.

  •  12/13/2022 11:00 AM - 12/13/2022 06:00 PM
  •   23 East Rio Grande Street, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

UPDATE: Postponed to January 3rd. ❄️ I love plants, and The Living Room is my favorite plant shop in downtown Colorado Springs! It's a cheerful, colorful, and cozy jungle. Join me there on Tuesday, December 13th from 11am-6pm for some divine connection, clarity, and insight, and maybe take home a new leafy friend. 🪴 Readings are 30 minutes and $45. Just drop by to REGISTER. Of course, if this day doesn't fit your schedule, or if you want a longer Reading, you can always book a session with me directly. SAVE THE DATES for the next opportunity for a Reading at The Living Room on Tuesdays: January 24th, February 21st, and March 28th.

  •  12/9/2022 09:00 AM - 12/11/2022 05:00 PM

In this intermediate 3-day class, you will become a Reiki Master and qualify to teach Reiki to others, both in person and online. This class combines the more traditional Reiki Level 3 (Advanced Reiki Training) and Reiki Level 4 (Reiki Master/Teacher) into one 3-day class. You will receive Healing Experiences and Ignitions into the Holy Fire® III energies, as well as Placement of the Master symbol. REGISTER by emailing Can't make this one? SAVE THE DATES for the next Master Classes March 3-5, July 14-16, October 6-8, and December 1-3 of 2023.

  •  12/8/2022 06:15 PM - 12/8/2022 08:15 PM
  •   5585 Erindale Dr, #203

Are you a certified Reiki II Practitioner or Reiki Master looking to practice, relax through a guided meditation, receive healing vibes, and meet some wonderful local Reiki friends? REGISTER by emailing me ( to join our monthly Reiki Share at the Lotus Center for Wellbeing on Thursday, December 8th at 6:15pm. In-person registration is limited so that everyone will have the opportunity to give and to receive Reiki. This event will last approximately 2 hours. A minimum suggested donation of $20 is much appreciated. SAVE THE DATES for the next Reiki Shares on Thursdays: January 26th, February 23rd, March 16th, and April 13th.

  •  11/27/2022 04:00 PM - 11/27/2022 06:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

SOLD OUT! All levels welcome for monthly exploration of Intuition in a joyful, supportive atmosphere! Please register early for the next class on December 18th. We'll be learning how to distinguish imagination from intuition, calming our minds and opening our hearts, strengthening our connection to our Spirit Guides and Angels, and practicing with each other to build confidence and trust. Tap into your divine knowing. ⭐️ Psychic Readings ⭐️ Mediumship Readings ⭐️ Past Lives ⭐️ Spirit Guides and Angels ⭐️ Psychometry ⭐️ Soul to Soul and Higher Selves ⭐️ Oracle Cards ⭐️ Each class will include a guided meditation and attunement to Spirit energy, instruction, and plenty of practice with fellow students. SAVE THE DATES for these monthly classes at Celestial Salt Metaphysical shop on Sundays: December 18th, January 29th, February 26th, March 19th, and April 30th. REGISTER by calling 719-370-9858 or visit It's real, it's amazing, and you can do it!

  •  11/26/2022 07:30 PM - 11/26/2022 09:30 PM
  •   Cave of the Winds Road, Cascade, CO, USA

SOLD OUT! Please join me for a "Medicine Music Project" Concert inside the Cave of the Winds! A unique and powerful evening of live Music, Sound Healing, and a Moving Meditation with Reiki, inside the enchanting Cave of the Winds! A Benefit for the "Circle of Hope" Fund.

  •  11/25/2022 04:00 PM - 11/25/2022 08:00 PM
  •   The Broom Circle 112 Iowa Ave Suite #1

The Broom Circle is a lovely Holistic Healing Studio & Tea Room in Colorado Springs where you can find handmade body care products, custom tea blends, jewelry, herbs, tonics, and so much more! Join me there on Black Friday for Intuitive Readings... providing clarity and insight to uplift, enlighten, and empower you through psychic exploration of Past Lives, Angels and Guides, Mediumship, and Oracle Cards! Thirty minutes for only $45. REGISTER by calling The Broom Circle at 719-662-2057 or drop by. Of course, if this day doesn't fit your schedule, or if you want a longer Reading, you can always book a session with me directly.

  •  11/23/2022 11:00 AM - 11/23/2022 05:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80920, USA

Celestial Salt is a wonderful new Metaphysical Center in Colorado Springs. They offer Dry Salt/HaloTherapy and Infrared Sauna Therapy, in addition to selling crystals, books, and other inspired treasures. REGISTER by calling Celestial Salt at 719-370-9858 or visit Readings are 30 minutes and $40. Of course, if this day doesn't fit your schedule, or if you want a longer Reading, you can always book a session with me directly. SAVE THE DATES for the next Reading opportunities with me at Celestial Salt: December 14th, January 28th (Psychic Fair), March 8th, April 5th, and May 31st.

  •  11/20/2022 06:00 PM - 11/20/2022 07:30 PM
  •   5585 Erindale Drive, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

SOLD OUT - please register early for January 8th! Need some Good Vibes? Join the dynamic duo of Molly Adkins (Sound Healing) & Julie Speetjens (Reiki), as they combine their powerful, energetic forces to create a sacred space for you to nourish your soul and achieve deep relaxation. You will receive high vibrations through this multi-sensory immersive experience of simultaneous sound healing and Reiki, plus a guided meditation. Experience the benefits of a cozy, personal event, and empower your unique intentions through focused individual healing attention from both Molly and Julie. Join us on Sunday evening, November 20th at 6:00pm at the Lotus Center for Wellbeing for 90 minutes of deep relaxation to reset your energy before the new week begins. Only $45! Due to popular demand, SAVE THE DATES for our next Power Hour events on Sundays: January 8th, February 5th, and April 2nd! REGISTER at

  •  11/17/2022 06:15 PM
  •   5585 Erindale Dr, #203

Are you a certified Reiki II Practitioner or Reiki Master looking to practice, relax through a guided meditation, receive healing vibes, and meet some wonderful local Reiki friends? REGISTER by emailing me ( to join our monthly Reiki Share at the Lotus Center for Wellbeing on Thursday, November 17th at 6:15pm. In-person registration is limited so that everyone will have the opportunity to give and to receive Reiki. This event will last approximately 2 hours. A minimum suggested donation of $20 is much appreciated. SAVE THE DATES for the next Reiki Shares on Thursdays: December 8th, January 26th, February 23rd, March 16th, and April 13th.

  •  11/15/2022 11:00 AM - 11/15/2022 05:00 PM
  •   23 East Rio Grande Street, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

I love plants, and The Living Room is my favorite plant shop in downtown Colorado Springs! It's a cheerful, colorful, and cozy jungle. Join me there on Tuesday, November 15th from 11am-6pm for some divine connection, clarity, and insight, and maybe take home a new leafy friend. 🪴 Readings are 30 minutes and $45. Of course, if this day doesn't fit your schedule, or if you want a longer Reading, you can always book a session with me directly. SAVE THE DATE for the next Reading opportunity with me at The Living Room on December 13th.

  • $40.00
  •  11/13/2022 05:30 PM - 11/13/2022 07:30 PM
  • Online Event

⭐️ SOLD OUT! Please SAVE THE DATE for the next Soul Journey Sunday event January 15th (with a very special international Celebrity Guest)! Join me along with a fabulous team of gifted Psychics for an online evening of Intuitive Artistry! Spirit Guides, Mediumship, Tarot, Past Lives, Trance Healing, Angels, Shamanism, Spirit Art, Animal Communication, and more! Everyone is guaranteed two personal Readings in break out rooms from two of our gifted Intuitives.

  •  11/11/2022 05:00 PM - 11/11/2022 08:00 PM

The Broom Circle store is expanding, you don’t want to miss this! They are having a mystic transformation and holding space for energetic healing and spirit work. Come check out their brand new store items and vendors, while they offer discounted Reiki services, Psychic/Medium Readings, Massages, and Facials, as well as Tarot and Palm Readings for the evening! Tea and herbal goodies will be served, and there will be metaphysical treasures, jewelry, handmade body care products, and more for you to browse before receiving optional healing and intuitive care! Available Services: Soaring Heart Energies - Psychic/Medium Readings, Ochre Massage & Spa - Mini Massages, Imani’s Skincare Majesty - Energy Clearing Facials, Airy Fairy Tarot - Palmistry, Desert Rose Tarot - Tarot Readings, and Natalie Paige - Reiki Healing. The event is Free, and Services are priced accordingly.

  •  11/4/2022 09:00 AM - 11/6/2022 05:00 PM

In this advanced 3-day class, you will become a Karuna Reiki Master and qualify to teach Reiki to others, both in person and online. Karuna is the Reiki of Compassion and its energy feels profound and nurturing. It serves to awaken the purest love and empathy in one’s soul with transformative power. *This class will be taught in beautiful Ludlow, VT and online. So much more than just the basic manual instruction, my classes draw from a wide variety of resources. We explore the pragmatic as well as the poetic aspects of energy in a diverse and inclusive environment where each student is invited to organically make Reiki their own. There are no rules and no limits to the ways Reiki can enhance your life! REGISTER by emailing Can't make this one? SAVE THE DATES for the next Karuna Classes March 24-26 and November 3-5 in 2023.

  •  10/27/2022 06:15 PM
  •   5585 Erindale Dr, #203

Are you a certified Reiki II Practitioner or Reiki Master looking to practice, relax through a guided meditation, receive healing vibes, and meet some wonderful local Reiki friends? REGISTER by emailing me ( to join our monthly Reiki Share at the Lotus Center for Wellbeing on Thursday, October 27th at 6:15pm. In-person registration is limited so that everyone will have the opportunity to give and to receive Reiki. This event will last approximately 2 hours. A minimum suggested donation of $20 is much appreciated. SAVE THE DATES for the next Reiki Shares on Thursdays: November 17th, December 8th, January 26th, February 23rd, March 16th, and April 13th.

  •  10/26/2022 11:00 AM - 10/26/2022 05:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80920, USA

Celestial Salt is a wonderful new Metaphysical Center in Colorado Springs. They offer Dry Salt/HaloTherapy and Infrared Sauna Therapy, in addition to selling crystals, books, and other inspired treasures. REGISTER by calling Celestial Salt at 719-370-9858 or visit Readings are 30 minutes and $40. Of course, if this day doesn't fit your schedule, or if you want a longer Reading, you can always book a session with me directly. SAVE THE DATES for the next Reading opportunities with me at Celestial Salt: November 23rd, December 14th, and January 28th.

  • $40.00
  •  10/9/2022 05:30 PM - 10/9/2022 07:30 PM
  • Online Event

⭐️ SOLD OUT! If you missed it, please SAVE THE DATES for the next Soul Journey Sunday events on November 13th and January 15th (with a very special Celebrity Guest)! Join me along with a fabulous team of gifted Psychics for an online evening of Intuitive Artistry! Spirit Guides, Mediumship, Tarot, Past Lives, Trance Healing, Angels, Shamanism, Spirit Art, Animal Communication, and more! Everyone is guaranteed two personal Readings in break out rooms from two of our gifted Intuitives.

  •  10/2/2022 06:00 PM - 10/2/2022 07:30 PM
  •   5585 Erindale Drive, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

SOLD OUT! Please join us next month if you missed your chance. Need some Good Vibes? Join the dynamic duo of Molly Adkins (Sound Healing) & Julie Speetjens (Reiki), as they combine their powerful, energetic forces to create a sacred space for you to nourish your soul and achieve deep relaxation. You will receive high vibrations through this multi-sensory immersive experience of simultaneous sound healing and Reiki, plus a guided meditation. Experience the benefits of a cozy, personal event, and empower your unique intentions through focused individual healing attention from both Molly and Julie. Join us on Sunday evening, October 2nd at 6:00pm at the Lotus Center for Wellbeing for 90 minutes of deep relaxation to reset your energy before the new week begins. Only $45! SAVE THE DATES for the next Power Hour events on Sundays: November 20th, January 8th, February 12th, and April 2nd. REGISTER at

  •  9/29/2022 06:15 PM
  •   5585 Erindale Dr, #203

Are you a certified Reiki II Practitioner or Reiki Master looking to practice, relax through a guided meditation, receive healing vibes, and meet some wonderful local Reiki friends? REGISTER by emailing me ( to join our monthly Reiki Share at the Lotus Center for Wellbeing on Thursday, September 29th at 6:15pm. In-person registration is limited so that everyone will have the opportunity to give and to receive Reiki. This event will last approximately 2 hours. This event is free and donations are greatly appreciated. SAVE THE DATES for the next Reiki Shares on Thursdays: October 27th, November 17th, December 8th, January 26th, February 23rd, March 16th, and April 13th.

  •  9/28/2022 11:00 AM - 9/28/2022 05:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80920, USA

Celestial Salt is a wonderful new Metaphysical Center in Colorado Springs. They offer Dry Salt/HaloTherapy and Infrared Sauna Therapy, in addition to selling crystals, books, and other inspired treasures. REGISTER by calling Celestial Salt at 719-370-9858 or visit Readings are 30 minutes and $40. Of course, if this day doesn't fit your schedule, or if you want a longer Reading, you can always book a session with me directly. SAVE THE DATES for the next Reading opportunities with me at Celestial Salt: October 26th, November 23rd, December 14th, and January 28th.

  •  9/18/2022 06:00 PM
  •   5585 Erindale Drive, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

SOLD OUT! Please join us next month if you missed your chance. Need some Good Vibes? Join the dynamic duo of Molly Adkins (Sound Healing) & Julie Speetjens (Reiki), as they combine their powerful, energetic forces to create a sacred space for you to nourish your soul and achieve deep relaxation. You will receive high vibrations through this multi-sensory immersive experience of simultaneous sound healing and Reiki. Experience the benefits of a cozy, personal event, and empower your unique intentions through focused individual healing attention from both Molly and Julie. Join us on Sunday evening, September 18th at 6:00pm at the Lotus Center for Wellbeing for 90 minutes of deep relaxation to reset your energy before the new week begins. Only $45! Save the Date for the next Power Hour events on Sundays: October 2nd and November 20th. REGISTER at

  •  9/3/2022 09:00 AM - 9/4/2022 05:00 PM

In this 2-day class, you will become a Reiki Practitioner. This class combines the Reiki Level 1 and Reiki Level 2 teachings into one 2-day class. All those completing this class will receive a certificate and will be fully qualified as a Reiki Practitioners in the Usui Reiki Ryoho Holy Fire® III method of Reiki for Levels 1 and 2. All classes whether in person or online are small, interactive, and personal, with plenty of time for discussion and practice. There is no pre-recorded information. You will have plenty of opportunity for asking questions and interacting with classmates, as well as plenty of Reiki practice. Everyone who completes the class will be able to channel deeply healing Holy Fire® Reiki energy for themselves and others. ✨Pre-Requisites: There is no pre-requisite for Reiki Level I & 2 other than the desire to learn. Anyone can tune into Reiki energy! 💖Class Fee: $400 (USD) Deposit of $200 is due at time of registration with balance due 7 days before class ✨REGISTRATION: Please Email me at A detailed class manual, written and published by the International Center for Reiki Training will be used in class and will be yours to keep. The manual includes everything you will need to learn to channel Reiki energy for yourself and others. Additionally, as a loving bonus for all my students, the course PowerPoint will be made available for your reference as you integrate your Reiki practice. All students will be invited to the Soaring Heart Energies Student Facebook community for ongoing support, and will be invited to monthly Reiki Shares at my studio to practice, receive healing, and nourish connection with other local Reiki Practitioners and Masters.

  • $40.00
  •  8/28/2022 05:30 PM - 8/28/2022 07:30 PM
  • Online Event

SOLD OUT! Please join us next month if you missed your chance. Join me along with a fabulous team of gifted Psychics for an online evening of Intuitive Artistry! Spirit Guides, Mediumship, Tarot, Past Lives, Trance Healing, Angels, Shamanism, Spirit Art, Animal Communication, and more! Everyone is guaranteed two personal Readings in break out rooms from two of our gifted Intuitives. Save the dates for the upcoming SJS events: October 9th, November 13th, and January 15th.

  •  8/25/2022 06:15 PM
  •   5585 Erindale Dr, #203

Are you a certified Reiki II Practitioner or Reiki Master looking to practice, receive healing vibes, and meet some wonderful local Reiki friends? Please email me ( to join our monthly Reiki Share at the Lotus Center for Wellbeing on Thursday, August 25th at 6:15pm. Registration is limited so that everyone will have the opportunity to give and to receive Reiki. This event will last approximately 2 hours. This event is free and donations are greatly appreciated. Save the Date for the next Reiki Shares on Thursdays: September 29th and October 27th.

  •  8/19/2022 11:00 AM - 8/19/2022 05:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80920, USA

Celestial Salt is a wonderful new Metaphysical Center in Colorado Springs. They offer Dry Salt/HaloTherapy and Infrared Sauna Therapy, in addition to selling crystals, books, and other inspired treasures. Please call Celestial Salt at 719-370-9858 to reserve a Reading with me on August 19th. Readings are 30 minutes and $40. Of course, if this day doesn't fit your schedule, or if you want a longer Reading, you can always book a session with me directly.

  •  8/5/2022 09:00 AM - 8/7/2022 05:00 AM

In this intermediate 3-day class, you will become a Reiki Master and qualify to teach Reiki to others, both in person and online. This class combines the more traditional Reiki Level 3 (Advanced Reiki Training) and Reiki Level 4 (Reiki Master/Teacher) into one 3-day class. You will receive Healing Experiences and Ignitions into the Holy Fire® III energies, as well as Placement of the Master symbol. You will receive two Healing Experiences, Placement of the Holy Fire and Master symbols, and four Ignitions into the Holy Fire® energies, providing the ability to use the symbols and to conduct Experiences, Placements, and Ignitions as a Teacher. All classes whether in person or online are small, interactive, and personal, with plenty of time for discussion and practice. There is no pre-recorded information. You will have plenty of opportunity for asking questions and interacting with classmates, as well as plenty of Reiki practice with advanced Reiki techniques. All those completing this class will receive a certificate and will be fully qualified as a Reiki Master/Teacher in the Usui Reiki Ryoho Holy Fire® III method of Reiki for Levels 1 and 2, and Master. You will be eligible to register with the ICRT Reiki Membership Association as an Affiliate member and use the RMA logo. This class qualifies you to teach online even if you take the class in person. Pre-Requisites: Reiki Level 1 & 2 in any Reiki discipline (it does not have to be Holy Fire® Reiki), with the Power, Mental/Emotional, and Distance healing symbol Placements At least 6 months practicing Reiki on yourself, your family, or others Class Fee: $950 (USD) Deposit of $475 is due at time of registration with balance due 7 days before class REGISTRATION: Please Email me at A detailed class manual, written and published by the International Center for Reiki Training will be used in class and will be yours to keep. The manual includes everything you will need to teach your own Reiki 1 & 2, and Master classes. Additionally, as a loving bonus for all my students, the course PowerPoint will be made available for your reference as you integrate your Master practice and possibly plan your own classes. All students will be invited to the Soaring Heart Energies Student Facebook community for ongoing support, and will be invited to monthly Reiki Shares at my studio to practice, receive healing, and nourish connection with other local Reiki Practitioners and Masters.

  •  7/28/2022 03:00 PM - 8/1/2022 10:00 AM

Join Reiki Healing Circles on the summit of Pikes Peak as well as in the spring waters of Sunwater Spa! Meditation, Qi Gong, Yoga, Massage, Hiking, Reiki, Live Music, Sound Healing, Breathwork, Kayaking, a Gourmet Chef, and more! Journey into Self and make some new friends, in the beautiful mountains of Colorado. Learn more and register at

  •  7/21/2022 06:15 PM
  •   5585 Erindale Dr, #203

Are you a certified Reiki II Practitioner or Reiki Master looking to practice, receive healing vibes, and meet some wonderful local Reiki friends? Please email me ( to join our monthly Reiki Share at the Lotus Center for Wellbeing on Thursday, July 21st at 6:15pm. Registration is limited so that everyone will have the opportunity to give and to receive Reiki. This event will last approximately 2 hours. This event is free and donations are greatly appreciated. Save the Date for the next Reiki Shares on Thursdays: August 25th, September 29th, and October 27th.

  • $40.00
  •  7/17/2022 05:30 PM - 7/17/2022 07:30 PM
  • Online Event

SOLD OUT! Please join us next month if you missed your chance. Join me along with a fabulous team of gifted Psychics for an online evening of Intuitive Artistry! Spirit Guides, Mediumship, Tarot, Past Lives, Trance Healing, Angels, Shamanism, Spirit Art, Animal Communication, and more! Everyone is guaranteed two personal Readings from two of our gifted Intuitives.

  •  7/12/2022 11:00 AM - 7/12/2022 05:00 PM
  •   7689 North Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80920, USA

Celestial Salt is a wonderful new Metaphysical Center in Colorado Springs. They offer Dry Salt/HaloTherapy and Infrared Sauna Therapy, in addition to selling crystals, books, and other inspired treasures. Please call Celestial Salt at 719-370-9858 to book a Reading with me on July 12th. Readings are 30 minutes and $40. Of course, if this day doesn't fit your schedule, or if you want a longer Reading, you can always book a session with me directly.

  •  6/25/2022 09:00 AM - 6/26/2022 05:00 PM

In this 2-day class, you will become a Reiki Practitioner. This class combines the Reiki Level 1 and Reiki Level 2 teachings into one 2-day class. All those completing this class will receive a certificate and will be fully qualified as a Reiki Practitioners in the Usui Reiki Ryoho Holy Fire® III method of Reiki for Levels 1 and 2. All classes whether in person or online are small, interactive, and personal, with plenty of time for discussion and practice. There is no pre-recorded information. You will have plenty of opportunity for asking questions and interacting with classmates, as well as plenty of Reiki practice. Everyone who completes the class will be able to channel deeply healing Holy Fire® Reiki energy for themselves and others. ✨Pre-Requisites: There is no pre-requisite for Reiki Level I & 2 other than the desire to learn. Anyone can tune into Reiki energy! 💖Class Fee: $400 (USD) Deposit of $200 is due at time of registration with balance due 7 days before class ✨REGISTRATION: Please Email me at A detailed class manual, written and published by the International Center for Reiki Training will be used in class and will be yours to keep. The manual includes everything you will need to learn to channel Reiki energy for yourself and others. Additionally, as a loving bonus for all my students, the course PowerPoint will be made available for your reference as you integrate your Reiki practice. All students will be invited to the Soaring Heart Energies Student Facebook community for ongoing support, and will be invited to monthly Reiki Shares at my studio to practice, receive healing, and nourish connection with other local Reiki Practitioners and Masters.

  •  5/19/2022 06:15 PM
  •   5585 Erindale Dr, #203

Are you a certified Reiki II Practitioner or Reiki Master looking to practice, receive healing vibes, and meet some wonderful local Reiki friends? Please email me ( to join our monthly Reiki Share at the Lotus Center for Wellbeing on Thursday, May 19th at 6:15pm. Registration is limited so that everyone will have the opportunity to give and to receive Reiki. This event will last approximately 2 hours. This event is free and donations are appreciated. Save the Date for the next Reiki Shares on Thursdays: June 30th, July 21st, and August 25th.

  • $25.00
  •  5/1/2022 05:30 PM - 5/1/2022 07:30 PM
  • Online Event

SOLD OUT! Please join us next month if you missed your chance. Join me along with a fabulous team of gifted Psychics for an online evening of Intuitive Artistry! Spirit Guides, Mediumship, Tarot, Past Lives, Trance Healing, Angels, Shamanism, Spirit Art, Animal Communication, and more! Everyone is guaranteed at least one personal Reading. If you missed it, check back for our next event in July. You can also join the Eventbrite waitlist or follow us on Eventbrite to receive notification when tickets go on sale.

  •  4/28/2022 06:15 PM
  •   5585 Erindale Dr, #203

Are you a certified Reiki II Practitioner or Reiki Master looking to practice, receive healing vibes, and meet some wonderful local Reiki friends? Please email me ( to join our monthly Reiki Share at the Lotus Spa on Thursday, April 28th at 6:15pm. Registration is limited so that everyone will have the opportunity to give and to receive Reiki. This event will last approximately 2 hours. This event is free and donations are appreciated.

  •  4/2/2022 06:30 PM
  •   The Rose Yoga Studio, Fountain, CO

If you don't have a MindBodyOnline account, please email Melissa Caiyem ( to Register, or simply pay at the event.

  • $25.00
  •  3/20/2022 05:30 PM - 3/20/2022 07:30 PM
  • Online Event

*SOLD OUT* Please join us next month if you missed your chance. Join me along with a fabulous team of gifted Psychics for an online evening of Intuitive Artistry! Spirit Guides, Mediumship, Tarot, Past Lives, Trance Healing, Angels, Shamanism, Spirit Art, Animal Communication, and more! ✨All Participants are guaranteed a personal Reading! ✨March 20, 2022 5:30 pm MST - 7:30 pm MST *Limited Tickets Available* ✨Register Today at Eventbrite ✨Questions? Email: Zoom detail will be emailed to Participants. ✨These intuitive sessions are vivid, expansive, and deeply heart-felt experiences, providing guidance for your life and spiritual evolution. All Participants are guaranteed at least one Reading! Experience a wondrous variety of Psychic modalities, tools, and skills. The evening will include a brief introduction to Psychic Readings, as well as a guided meditation, before you are ushered into breakout rooms for your Readings. Seating is very limited to create an intimate and powerful experience. Only $25 per Participant. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to a charity supporting either Animal Rescue, Social Justice, or Environmental causes. Follow this event on Facebook and Eventbrite at "Soul Journey Sundays".

  •  3/17/2022 06:15 PM
  •   5585 Erindale Dr, #203

Are you a certified Reiki II Practitioner or Reiki Master looking to practice and meet some wonderful local Reiki friends? Please email me ( to join our monthly Reiki Share at the Lotus Spa on Thursday, March 17th at 6:15pm. Registration is limited to 6 people or fewer, so that everyone will have the opportunity to give and to receive Reiki. This event will last approximately 2 hours. Please plan to wear a mask for everyone's comfort and safety. This event is free and donations are appreciated.

  • $25.00
  •  2/20/2022 05:30 PM
  • Online Event

SOLD OUT! Please join us next month if you missed your chance. ✨All Participants are guaranteed a Reading! ✨Join me along with a fabulous team of gifted Psychics for an online evening of Intuitive Artistry! Spirit Guides, Past Lives, Angels, Shamanism, Tarot, Spirit Art, Animal Communication, and more! ✨February 20, 2022 5:30 pm MST - 7:30 pm MST *Limited Tickets Available* ✨Register Today at Eventbrite ✨Questions? Email: Zoom detail will be emailed to Participants. ✨These intuitive sessions are vivid, expansive, and deeply heart-felt experiences, providing guidance for your life and spiritual evolution. All Participants are guaranteed at least one Reading! Experience a wondrous variety of Psychic modalities, tools, and skills. The evening will include a brief introduction to Psychic Readings, as well as a guided meditation, before you are ushered into breakout rooms for your Readings. Seating is very limited to create an intimate and powerful experience. Only $25 per Participant. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to a charity supporting either Animal Rescue, Social Justice, or Environmental causes. Follow this event on Facebook and Eventbrite at "Soul Journey Sundays".

  •  2/10/2022 06:15 PM
  •   5585 Erindale Dr, #203

*Fully Booked - Please consider joining the March event* Are you a certified Reiki II Practitioner or Reiki Master looking to practice and meet some wonderful local Reiki friends? Please email me ( to join our monthly Reiki Share at the Lotus Spa on Thursday, February 10th at 6:15pm. Registration is limited to 6 people or fewer, so that everyone will have the opportunity to give and to receive Reiki. This event will last approximately 2 hours. Please plan to wear a mask for everyone's comfort and safety. This event is free and donations are appreciated.

Trance Mediumship with Nicole Janssen deHaas at Mains Gate, MD - November 2024

Trance Mediumship with Nicole Janssen deHaas at Mains Gate, MD - November 2024

💥The Nov 1-3 workshop is Sold Out! If you missed it, please join our list so you're the first to know of future opportunities to experience Nicole's incredible teachings. There are still tickets available for her trance demonstration at 4:30pm ET on Sunday, Nov. 3 at Mains Gate estate. Email to be added to the workshop waitlist and notification group, or to purchase tickets to the demonstration.

Learn More
"Sol & Spirit" Psychic and Mediumship Development Retreat in Hawai'i - February 2025

"Sol & Spirit" Psychic and Mediumship Development Retreat in Hawai'i - February 2025

Sold Out! Stay tuned for future opportunities to escape the winter cold and tune into your intuition in warm and sunny places.

Learn More
Mountian Mystic Psychic & Mediumship Development Retreat - Summer 2025

Mountian Mystic Psychic & Mediumship Development Retreat - Summer 2025

Our "Mountain Mystic Psychic & Mediumship Development Retreat" in Glenwood Springs this Summer was amazing and sold out! We leveled up, broke through, expanded confidently, embraced new skills, had lots of fun, and made fabulous friends. It was uniquely powerful and we can't wait to do it again next year! If you're interested in joining us in the gorgeous Rocky Mountains next Summer, please DM or email me ( to be added to the "first to know" contact list. Date, location, and co-teacher details will be announced soon!

Medical Reiki imageMedical Reiki image
As a Certified Medical Reiki Master, I am qualified to be present before, during, and after your medical procedure. I will work directly with your medical team to gain the necessary permissions in order to provide energetic and spiritual support throughout your surgery, infusion, or other medical event.

The beneficial effects of receiving Reiki during medical procedures are vast, including stabilizing blood pressure, calming the Sympathetic nervous system, reducing pain and anxiety, increasing treatment efficacy, reducing recovery time, supporting calm and focused medical staff and family members, promoting healing, and much more.

When we feel better, we heal better! 

The most prestigious medical facilities in the country, including Johns Hopkins, MD Anderson, Sloan Kettering, Mayo Clinic, and NYU now offer Reiki and many other complementary therapies. Here in Colorado, Reiki is part of the Integrative Medicine offerings at CU Anshutz Cancer Center, UCHealth Memorial Hospital, Denver Health Medical Center, and others. Reiki is one of the top three complimentary therapies offered in over 800 hospitals and medical facilities around the country.

Our pains and diseases frequently have emotional and energetic roots. We hold emotions and unresolved traumas in our bodies, and they can manifest into physical ailments. When we can address the deeper sources of physical problems, rather than simply treating the symptoms, we can affect true healing. Reiki works gently at all levels (conscious and sub-conscious, physical, mental, emotional, and energetic), empowering authentic wellness.

While there is a medical code for Energy Medicine, health insurance companies do not yet recognize it as part of their covered Integrative Medicine offerings. Therefore, my services will be an out-of-pocket expense. Reiki complements, and does not replace, medical care.

If you have a significant medical procedure upcoming, and want to receive Reiki support (onsite or at a distance), please contact me directly. Empirical data from prestigious medical centers around the world confirms that patients receiving Reiki have better vital statistics, need less pain medication, have shorter hospital stays, experience reduced anxiety/insomnia/depression, and report higher overall satisfaction with their care.

Medical Reiki is my passion, having seen it's amazing effects first-hand, and I am honored to serve on the leading edge of bringing holistic healing into the clinical environment.

Please tune in and listen here as I discuss Medical Reiki with the fabulous Ann Théato on the "Psychic Matters" podcast, on episode 68 "Bringing Healing Back to Medicine".

Tune into your Intuition! All levels welcome any time for a monthly exploration of the Intuitive Arts in a joyful, supportive atmosphere.

Forget what you've heard... that you have to be "born" with a gift, or that your grandmother had to teach you, or that only certain people can be Psychics and Mediums! If you're drawn to it, you can do it!

You'll be learning how to distinguish imagination from intuition, calming your mind and opening your heart, strengthening your connection to your Spirit Guides and your clair senses, and practicing with each other to build confidence and trust. Tap into your divine knowing.

⭐️ Psychic Readings
⭐️ Mediumship Readings
⭐️ Past Lives
⭐️ Spirit Guides and Spirit Animals
⭐️ Psychometry
⭐️ Inspired Speaking
⭐️ Spiritual Assessments
⭐️ Oracle Cards
⭐️ Auragraphs

Each class will include instruction, guided meditation and attunement to Spirit energy, instruction, discussion, and plenty of practice in paired and group exercises with a variety of tools, skills, and styles. If you've been longing for a community of heart-centered and soul-abundant Seekers, here we are!

Join online via Zoom or in-person at The Salt Vault in downtown Colorado Springs.
💖 Save the Dates for Q4 2024: October 23, November 13, and December 11

💖 Save the Dates for 2025: January 22, February 19, March 26, April 30, May 21, June 11, July 23, Aug 27, September 24, October 29, November 19, and December 10

Zoom detail and a Square payment link will be emailed to you the day of class.

Get out of your head and into your heart!

Student Testimonials:
"Julie is incredible! She is my mentor and I can’t say enough how gifted, spot on, and knowledgeable she is about communicating with those that have crossed on." - LW
"Julie's psychic development classes are the best I've ever attended!" - MC
"I really enjoy the group exercises, they are fun and I learn so much from them." - PC
"These are my favorite classes." - JT
"I have been a student of Julie's in developing my clairs and have found her instruction to be fluid and flawless. Her ability to hold space for large groups is a true talent. She provides brilliant guidance." - MSC
"I really enjoyed this class!" - JG
"Thank you for the wonderful workshop last night! I’m definitely signing up for your future classes!!!" - JT
"Fun and educational." - LC
"I'm stoked to have the opportunity to attend your circle. I like your style, the community, and the practices. Sooo fun! Thank you." - LZ
"I loved this class! Thank you!" - OS
"I didn't really believe her when she said we could all do it, and then I did it!" - HR

It's real, it's amazing, and you can do it! 

💖 Reserve your spot today through Calendly.
Psychic & Mediumship Development Classes image
Join me along with a fabulous team of gifted Psychics for an online evening of Intuitive Artistry! Spirit Guides, Mediumship, Tarot, Past Lives, Astrology, Trance Healing, Angels, Shamanism, Spirit Art, Animal Communication, and more!

Experience a joyful and inspiring evening with an incredibly heart-centered team, and gain some clarity, connection, and validation to support you on your Soul's journey.

Everyone is guaranteed two personal Readings in break out rooms from two of our gifted Intuitives.

⭐️ SJS Participant Reviews:
"Amazing", "Life-Changing", "Deeply moving", "Profound", "Spot on", "Incredible", "I look so forward to these events monthly", "Wonderful", "Insightful and inspirational", "Remarkable", "A magical experience", "My pain is completely gone", "SJS fills my spiritual gas tank", "Uplifting", "Awesome", "Heaven Sent", "I remain in awe", "Special", "Brilliant", "So healing and deeply moving", "Thank you all so much"!

✨Save the Dates for Q4 2024: October 13, November 10, and December 8

✨Save the Dates for 2025: January 5* with special celebrity guest Tony Stockwell, February 23, April 13, June 1, July 13, September 7, and November 16

Get your SJS tickets and learn more about the SJS Team and all the other fabulous events, workshops, classes, demonstrations, guided meditations, book clubs, podcasts, and retreats they are offering at the Soul Journey Sundays website (

Soul Journey Sundays - it's more than just an event, it's a community.
 Inspired by Spirit, powered by love. 

Soul Journey Sundays image
Need some Good Vibes? Join the dynamic duo of Molly Adkins (Sound Healing) & Julie Speetjens (Reiki), as they combine their powerful, energetic forces to create a sacred space for you to nourish your soul and achieve deep relaxation. You will receive high vibrations through this multi-sensory immersive experience of simultaneous sound healing and Reiki, plus a guided meditation.

Experience the benefits of a cozy, personal event, and empower your unique intentions through focused individual healing attention from both Molly and Julie.

Join us monthly on Sunday evenings at 6:00pm for 90 minutes of deep relaxation to reset your energy before the new week begins. Only $45! REGISTER at

✨Save the Date in Q4 2024: Dec 15 (Sunwater Spa)

✨Save the Dates in 2025 at Sunwater Spa: March 23, August 17, and December 7
Are you a certified Reiki II Practitioner or Reiki Master looking to practice, relax through a guided meditation, receive healing vibes, and meet some wonderful local Reiki friends?

REGISTER by emailing to join our quarterly Reiki Share on Thursday at the downtown studio (in Colorado Springs and online). In-person registration is limited so that everyone will have the opportunity to give and to receive Reiki.

This event will last approximately 2 hours. A minimum suggested donation of $20 is much appreciated.

💖Save the Dates for Q4 2024: November 14, and December 12

💖Save the Dates for 2025: January 9, April 17, July 31, and December 18
Reiki Shares image

Coming Soon

Stay tuned for an exploration of ways to enhance your intuition. Spirit has had the title of this workshop rolling around in my mind for a while, and the inspiration is flowing...

Stay tuned for a workshop designed to expand your concept of what's possible, and to demonstrate how we can ignite powerful healing in our lives today.

Sign up to receive the Soaring Heart Energies newsletter, and I will send you vital and easy-to-follow guidance to help you nourish inner peace, divine connection, and energetic sovereignty to empower you to live your best life.

I promise not to overload your inbox, I value your privacy and will never share your information, and you can unsubscribe any time.

Empath Survival Skills:
Do you tend to absorb others' emotions, get easily drained in social situations, or overwhelmed in crowds? Are you seeking deeper spiritual meaning and authentic connection? Do you have trouble setting clear boundaries? Are you a perfectionist or a people-pleaser?

Are you ready to feel better? Sign up to receive the 4 Pillars of Energy Management now!
Meet Julie Speetjens image
Julie Speetjens B.Sc, RMT, KRMT, LRM, CMRM, ARP
Usui Reiki Ryoho Holy Fire® III Reiki Master Teacher 
Registered Karuna Reiki® Master Teacher

Certified Medical Reiki Master
Angelic Reiki Practitioner
Lightarian Reiki Master
Psychic Medium

Hi, I’m Julie Speetjens and my motto is “Worry Less, Reiki More”. I began my healing journey when corporate burnout had me feeling like a robot just going through the motions of my life. Reiki has been a springboard to my spiritual awakening, and has renewed my life-force energy!

I didn't grow up seeing Spirit or having premonitions, rather, it was during my own Reiki training in my 40's that my psychic and mediumistic abilities spontaneously opened up! So I'm here to tell you that anyone who wants to develop their intuitive senses can do it, and Reiki can help! Formerly an Event Coordinator and IT Project Manager, I have become a Psychic Medium and I am utterly fascinated by all things Spirit. What greater healing can there be than to receive evidence that those loved ones who have crossed over are not lost to us after all? God, Source, Spirit (whatever you call it) works in amazing ways, and they never cease to amaze me. We truly are eternal soul beings, and our loved ones are eager to communicate! I invite you to be skeptical but receptive, to willingly suspend disbelief and journey with me into the incredible world of energy healing and mediumship. It's real and it's amazing.

I believe we are not a body with a Soul, but rather a Soul with a body. We are all here in our perfectly imperfect lives in order to learn, grow, love, create, and evolve. We often spend our lives searching for external happiness before realizing that we must create it within ourselves. Through my Reiki Master studies, I have released negative energies and destructive patterns that no longer serve my spiritual growth, and I have learned to consciously choose positive emotions and constructive actions. After all, the habits we create to survive no longer serve us when it’s time to thrive! I have given my inner-critic permission to be silent. I have learned to overcome my doubts, to trust my intuition, and to choose love over fear.

Reiki helped me recover from two major hip surgeries by alleviating my pain, calming my anxiety, promoting sound sleep, and empowering me to stop taking pain medicine and set aside my crutches weeks ahead of schedule. In 2021, I was able to be in the surgical suite giving Reiki to my younger son as he had all four wisdom teeth removed. He had minimal swelling, took no narcotics afterward, had no dry sockets or infection, was rock-climbing three days later, and eating almonds within the week! Whereas my older son had the same surgery with the same doctor years earlier before I had Reiki training, and he had an entirely different experience with four dry sockets, infection, significant swelling, and an extended recovery time. Reiki is a transformative force that truly can heal our minds, our bodies, and our Spirit if we allow it.

I trained and worked at The Reiki Place with Mary Spohn Fielder for two years, then opened my own studio in the Lotus Center for Wellbeing where I offered my services for two years. And now, I have a studio in the heart of downtown Colorado Springs!

It is quite normal for my Reiki clients to fall asleep, and all of them report feeling lighter and more relaxed afterward. Sensations range from tingling, wavy pressure, heat, visions of colors, and heavy or floaty limbs, to feeling a comforting presence in the room with us. In my sessions I sometimes meet a client’s Spirit Animal or receive intuitive guidance ranging from positive affirmations to book recommendations. It all comes with such incredible feelings of unconditional love and encouragement! Powerful validations strengthen a sense of peace, connection, and comfort for my clients, and fuel my wonder and gratitude for all that Reiki energy has to offer.

The healing power of Reiki energy is limitless, and I am beyond thrilled to offer Reiki Healing, Reiki Certification Classes, Psychic/Medium Readings, and Psychic/Medium Development classes both in-person and at a distance. I hope Reiki will help you fall in love with your life again, and that you will let me be part of that amazing journey!

I am a Usui Reiki Ryoho Holy Fire® III Reiki Master Teacher and Registered Karuna Reiki® Master Teacher, as well as an Angelic Reiki Practitioner, Lightarian™ Reiki Master, and Certified Medical Reiki Master. I am registered with the International Center for Reiki Training as an Affiliate member of the Reiki Membership Association, and certified with Raven Keyes Medical Reiki International as a Medical Reiki Master. Additionally, I am also a Registered Reiki Professional with the International Association of Reiki Professionals, the Reiki Healing Association, the International Reiki Organization, and The Center for Reiki Research.

I have created and hosted several online events, including “Zen Wednesdays” and “Soul Journey Sundays”, and I have had the honor of being interviewed on several podcasts including: "Psychic Matters", "Mediumship Sisters", “Sacred Connections”, “Journey to Wellness”, "Mediumship Matters", “The Sedona Files”, "Be the Love", “Floating On a Cloud”, "Message in the Middle", "Spirits Beside Us", "Business News Network", and "Brighter Day in the Neighborhood". I have also been featured in ShoutOut ColoradoCanvas Rebel and Voyage Denver magazines, as well as on Fabulous Female Friday in the "Woman Up! Leading with Your Soul Community", "Mindset of Freedom for Women", and "Ladies Living Outloud" on Facebook. I had the honor of demonstrating mediumship with Ann Théato on "The Mediumship Hour" in September of 2024 and have been invited back for two demonstrations in 2025. I also host a monthly intuitive development class, and provide Readings at various locations throughout Colorado Springs and online. Please follow me on Facebook and Instagram (@SoaringHeartEnergies).

I have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Environmental Science from the University of Alabama as well as Certificates in Energy Medicine, Music Therapy, and Sound Healing from the University of Colorado.

Through advanced, intensive mentorship programs with Tony Stockwell, I have explored the depth and breadth of many areas of the Intuitive Arts including: Advanced Trance Mediumship, New Frontiers, Demonstrating Mediumship, Pet Mediumship, and Therapeutic Mediumship. I have also studied with many other highly-esteemed teachers including: Judith Seaman, Janet Nohavec, Ann Théato, Suzanne Giesemann, Eileen Davies, Mia Ottoson, James Van Praagh, John Holland, Lynn Probert, Nicole Janssen DeHaas, Julian Jenkins, Josef Siegle, David Thompson,  Martin Colclough, Steve Upton, Lauren Robertson, Simone Key, Colin Bates, Scott Milligan, Andrej Djordjevitch, Martin Tycross, Sharon Harvey, Angie Morris, and Pam Pollington. Additional professional influences include: John Edward, Esther Hicks, Dr. Sue Morter, and Michael Newton.

I have studied Mediumship at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY as well as at the internationally acclaimed Arthur Findlay College in Stansted, England. It was my honor to teach Reiki certification classes and Psychic/Mediumship Development in consecutive summers at the iconic Lily Dale Assembly. I have taught Reiki and Psychic/Mediumship Development internationally in Mexico and Costa Rica, given Readings to hundreds and hundreds of people around the world, and I have a diverse and thriving student community that I lovingly call "The Woo Crew".

In Spring of 2024, I had the privilege of visiting Mount Kurama (the "birthplace of Reiki") where Mikao Usui, a Buddhist monk, was gifted with healing energy after 21 days of fasting and meditation exactly 102 years ago. It was beautiful, peaceful, educational, inspiring, sacred... and steep! SO many stairs! I led Reiki attunements there among the sacred Kami (Japanese cedar trees up to 800 years old), and felt a deep appreciation for my Reiki journey. It has truly changed my life, and opened up my world. Not to mention, the visit to Mt. Kurama healed a frozen shoulder that I had been suffering with for several years!

I am the U.S. PR Assistant to Tony Stockwell, a Spiritual Event Coordinator for Mains Gate estate on the eastern shore of MD, the Psychic & Mediumship Development Director for Healing Wheel Wellness Retreats, and I have served as the Program Director for LifeSpark Cancer Resources. In my free time, I am honored to have provided Reiki as a volunteer at UCHealth Memorial Hospital Central in the Outpatient Infusion Center as well as for Participants of the LifeSpark Cancer Resources program.
Canvas Rebel

Canvas Rebel

Stories & Insights: Meet Julie Speetjens

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ShoutOut Colorado

ShoutOut Colorado

Local Stories: Meet Julie Speetjens

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Voyage Denver

Voyage Denver

Daily Inspiration: Meet Julie Speetjens

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Mila the Dog Who Remembers Being a Horse

🤩 Mind blown. So it's common for beloved pets (incarnate and discarnate) to come through in Readings. And it's common for past life glimpses to come through in Readings for people. But today, I had the pleasure of doing a Reading for a woman whose beloved living dog completely dominated her Reading, talking about their past lives together! Meet Mila, who described her personality now and then showed me a glimpse of her galloping at crazy speed through the green hills of Scotland as a big black horse with white feathering above her hooves, with her owner on her back. That's gorgeous, but the best part... guess what her nickname is in this life?!

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When Dogs Have Wings

Recently, I gave a Reading to a colleague and her beloved dog, "Moose", came through. I saw him loving the snow, lying on the couch, and gently taking care of kittens and birds. But the best part? He showed me this cartoon of a dog with wings, and she'd had almost that exact image printed on a mug in his honor after his passing! It was a beautifully unique way for him to demonstrate that he's still part of her life. Our pets come through just as creatively and intelligently and lovingly as our humans!

Howling for Healing

In a recent Reading, I found myself suddenly aware of a wolf spirit animal around my client. That's not unusual, but how it then informed her healing journey and the validation we received when I pulled this card was astounding. As the reading evolved, I found myself (very uncharacteristically) chanting/toning/howling one of the Reiki symbols for her... with my head back like a wolf. She's been struggling with vertigo, and the crystals in her ear are displaced. Her wolf came through to give her a powerful tool to vibrate them back into their proper place!

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*YOUR* Suzanne Giesemann Event?!

Spirit never stops surprising and amazing me, but this one is truly remarkable...

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Bishu and 42

When Lee-Anne Higgs created that amazing Spirit Guide portrait for me in early-June (scroll down to see it), it came with a typed Reading. In it, she shared that Monk mentioned a word that sounded like "Bishu" and neither of us understood what it meant, at first...

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The Wooden Box

In a recent Medium Reading, I was bringing through several men in my Sitter's family when they brought my awareness to a special wooden box that had been handed down between generations, but my Sitter wasn't familiar with it. She made a note of it, and a few days later, guess what she discovered? It had been her Father-In-Law's and his Father's before that, and it was given to her husband after his Dad passed! You know they all had fun with that reveal!

The Eye of the Tiger

You can't make this stuff up! I recently had a tiger come through as a Spirit Animal for a woman during a Reading, encouraging her to wear a Tiger’s Eye bracelet to remind her to focus on self-love, self-worth, personal power, not shrinking, not being afraid to shine… and not only was she wearing a tiger’s eye bracelet that I hadn’t seen, she had pulled a card for herself before the reading and it was “Spirit of the Tiger”.

Personal Account of an Incredible Séance

My heart is still racing as I recall the events of the séance I attended at The Mains Gate at Langdon Farm in Sherwood, Maryland. “Séance”; a loaded word that conjures images of fraudulent trickery in dusty Victorian parlors. (I was skeptical too. Wait for it.)

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Spirit Guides are REAL

Since my Reiki Master training in 2019, I have been aware of my primary Spirit Guide, who I simply call "Monk". I see him in my mind's eye as a kind and funny Buddhist Monk in saffron robes, reminiscent of the Dalai Lama. He stands beside me on my left when I work, giving Reiki healing sessions and Readings. He's come through other Psychics in a few Readings for me over the years, and it's a wonderful confirmation of his loving presence each time... powerful validation that he is real and I'm not just imagining him.

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THE Amy Winehouse?!

A year or two ago in a mediumship workshop, I was paired with a lovely British woman who asked me to bring through Amy Winehouse... 🤯🤩 They were best friends, so the love bond they shared made it a reasonable request. I was a bit nervous, as I have seen that Rockumentary and I loved her music. But I gave it a go.

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She's One of Us

I LOVE when Spirit steps in to save the day! 💖⭐️ Last summer, I had the privilege of visiting the Arthur Findlay College with dear friends, with the added bonus of a few days in Paris. 🇫🇷 And the day we toured Versailles became one of those experiences that will forever be part of my "Spirit is Amazing" lexicon.

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Mailbox Money

Such a Full-Circle moment for me! Twenty years ago, when my grandfather passed, I became fascinated with mediumship and watched every "John Edward Crossing Over" show, read all the books, and just assumed that I would spend a lifetime "on the outside looking in" as some incredible people displayed their mediumistic abilities. Then after reading one of John Edward's books, I said out loud to my grandfather in Spirit, "If this stuff is real, and you're ok, I need you to send me a check in the mail for $127.52 so I can buy two tickets to see John Edward...

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The Crown

Spirit blows my mind! I was Reading for a client and became aware of a Spirit Guide-like energy for her that I couldn't quite put my finger on, as it didn't look like any of the divine feminine archetypes, angels, or Ascended Masters. It felt like my client's Higher Soul Self. I clearly saw her wearing a big gold crown made of moons and stars. ⭐️🌙 My client gasped in delight when I described it, and you can imagine my shock and joy when she showed me this photo of her (face cropped for privacy).

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Mary Magdalene's Roses

🌹Such fun! I love when clients send me validation from a Reading. Yesterday, I felt a strong connection to Mary Magdalene during a session, and I felt that I had to acknowledge a painting that she had played a part in creating for the Sitter. I saw a woman's face with a "crown" made of big, beautiful, pink and white roses. My wonderful Sitter shared this photo with me, of a gorgeous painting that her son created for her! You just can't make this stuff up!

Yin Yang

Delightful! Today I gave a distant Reiki healing session to a woman who recently broke her right leg, just above the ankle. After the healing, which her cat also thoroughly enjoyed, I felt nudged to pull a card. Check out the Yin Yang symbol under the right foot of the woman on the card... that matches the tattoo on my client's right leg! A nod of encouragement to stay positive on her healing journey, to continue seeking balance, to trust that it serves a purpose and that all is well.

Smack me in the face with a Lotus flower, please

I love how the Universe sends us incredible signs and synchronicities when we need them most! When I was moving into my first solo studio space, I wanted to be sure that I landed in the right spot to grow my business and serve Spirit. As I flew across the country, I was reviewing the lease agreement for a potential space I had found in the Lotus Spa. I asked my team to smack me in the face with a lotus flower if they wanted me to sign the lease. I really like obvious and timely signs, and I didn't want it open to mis-interpretation.

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Lipid Panel Comparison 2018 to 2022 - Julie Speetjens

It's amazing when we can measure and compare the physiological improvements of major lifestyle changes! Since I began my Reiki training, drastically cut back on alcohol, shifted from a Vegetarian to a Vegan diet, and pivoted from a frenetic corporate career as an IT Project Manager to being a full-time Reiki Master Teacher, every cholesterol value has decreased significantly to optimal levels! Cholesterol dropped from 213 to 153 Triglycerides dropped from 139 to 72 HDL dropped from 72 to 50 Non-HDL dropped from 141 to 103, and LDL dropped from 113 to 89 Reiki empowers us to make healthy choices, release habits that no longer serve us, and helps us live a life with peace, clarity, joy, and purpose. Our emotional and energetic health truly is tied to our physical health!

Mini Reading

Give the gift of clarity, insight, and divine connection with a 30-minute Psychic or Medium Reading in-person or on Zoom.

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Reiki Healing Session

Give the gift of relaxation and healing with a 60-minute Reiki healing session either in-person or on Zoom.

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Psychic or Medium Reading

Give the gift of clarity, insight, and divine connection with a 60-minute Psychic or Medium Reading in-person or on Zoom.

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Reiki & a Reading 90-minute Combo

Give the gift of a full Reiki session and a Mini Reading.

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Reiki & a Reading 120-minute Combo

Give the gift of a full Reiki session and a 60-minute Psychic or Medium Reading.

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3-Pack Reiki Sessions

Give the gift of relaxation and get the best deal! Save $10 per Reiki healing session with a 3-pack.

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Reiki I/II Class

Give the gift of Reiki certification... a weekend of deep healing and empowerment.

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A New Studio! image
Soaring Heart has moved to the heart... of downtown Colorado Springs!

The Universe has nudged me to a vibrant new space in the heart of downtown! I can't wait to see you there starting starting Summer 2023!

A cozy and quiet cocoon nestled above the Savory Spice Shop on Tejon, near art galleries, restaurants, coffee shops, and boutiques... it promises to be an exciting expansion of all my offerings.

New Address Summer 2023:
110 1/2 N Tejon St, Suite 210, Colorado Springs, CO 80903
(Green door to the left of the Savory Spice Shop entrance, up the stairs and to the end of the hall.)
By retaining the services of Julie Speetjens (Soaring Heart Energies), each client, event participant, and/or student acknowledges and accepts that any and all actions based solely or in-part on statements made before, during, or after a Reiki healing session, Reading, event, and/or class are their sole responsibility.

By retaining the services of Julie Speetjens, you release her and her associates of any and all liability, legal claims, and/or expenses related in any way to any statements made or inferred.

Julie Speetjens is not responsible for your life choices, and does not dispense medical, legal, marital, or financial advice. Julie Speetjens does not prescribe, diagnose, or perform medical treatments or psychological therapies.

It is your responsibility to discuss any recommendations received with your primary care physician, and, if applicable, with your obstetrician, gynecologist, oncologist, cardiologist, pediatrician, psychologist, psychiatrist, or other duly qualified health care provider and/or relevant professional.  Reiki does not take the place of medical care.
  • 110 1/2 North Tejon Street #210, Colorado Springs, CO, USA
  • New downtown studio Summer 2023! Green door to the left of the Savory Spice shop entrance, up the stairs, at the end of the hall

Unfortunately, the historic building in which my studio is located is not ADA-friendly, as there is no elevator and we are on the second floor. A big Thank You to: Trish of Personality Portraits (, as well as and Ryan ( for the portraits!