Mila the Dog Who Remembers Being a Horse

🤩 Mind blown. So it's common for beloved pets (incarnate and discarnate) to come through in Readings. And it's common for past life glimpses to come through in Readings for people. But today, I had the pleasure of doing a Reading for a woman whose beloved living dog completely dominated her Reading, talking about their past lives together! Meet Mila, who described her personality now and then showed me a glimpse of her galloping at crazy speed through the green hills of Scotland as a big black horse with white feathering above her hooves, with her owner on her back. That's gorgeous, but the best part... guess what her nickname is in this life?!

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When Dogs Have Wings

Recently, I gave a Reading to a colleague and her beloved dog, "Moose", came through. I saw him loving the snow, lying on the couch, and gently taking care of kittens and birds. But the best part? He showed me this cartoon of a dog with wings, and she'd had almost that exact image printed on a mug in his honor after his passing! It was a beautifully unique way for him to demonstrate that he's still part of her life. Our pets come through just as creatively and intelligently and lovingly as our humans!

Howling for Healing

In a recent Reading, I found myself suddenly aware of a wolf spirit animal around my client. That's not unusual, but how it then informed her healing journey and the validation we received when I pulled this card was astounding. As the reading evolved, I found myself (very uncharacteristically) chanting/toning/howling one of the Reiki symbols for her... with my head back like a wolf. She's been struggling with vertigo, and the crystals in her ear are displaced. Her wolf came through to give her a powerful tool to vibrate them back into their proper place!

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*YOUR* Suzanne Giesemann Event?!

Spirit never stops surprising and amazing me, but this one is truly remarkable...

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Bishu and 42

When Lee-Anne Higgs created that amazing Spirit Guide portrait for me in early-June (scroll down to see it), it came with a typed Reading. In it, she shared that Monk mentioned a word that sounded like "Bishu" and neither of us understood what it meant, at first...

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The Wooden Box

In a recent Medium Reading, I was bringing through several men in my Sitter's family when they brought my awareness to a special wooden box that had been handed down between generations, but my Sitter wasn't familiar with it. She made a note of it, and a few days later, guess what she discovered? It had been her Father-In-Law's and his Father's before that, and it was given to her husband after his Dad passed! You know they all had fun with that reveal!

The Eye of the Tiger

You can't make this stuff up! I recently had a tiger come through as a Spirit Animal for a woman during a Reading, encouraging her to wear a Tiger’s Eye bracelet to remind her to focus on self-love, self-worth, personal power, not shrinking, not being afraid to shine… and not only was she wearing a tiger’s eye bracelet that I hadn’t seen, she had pulled a card for herself before the reading and it was “Spirit of the Tiger”.

Personal Account of an Incredible Séance

My heart is still racing as I recall the events of the séance I attended at The Mains Gate at Langdon Farm in Sherwood, Maryland. “Séance”; a loaded word that conjures images of fraudulent trickery in dusty Victorian parlors. (I was skeptical too. Wait for it.)

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Spirit Guides are REAL

Since my Reiki Master training in 2019, I have been aware of my primary Spirit Guide, who I simply call "Monk". I see him in my mind's eye as a kind and funny Buddhist Monk in saffron robes, reminiscent of the Dalai Lama. He stands beside me on my left when I work, giving Reiki healing sessions and Readings. He's come through other Psychics in a few Readings for me over the years, and it's a wonderful confirmation of his loving presence each time... powerful validation that he is real and I'm not just imagining him.

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THE Amy Winehouse?!

A year or two ago in a mediumship workshop, I was paired with a lovely British woman who asked me to bring through Amy Winehouse... 🤯🤩 They were best friends, so the love bond they shared made it a reasonable request. I was a bit nervous, as I have seen that Rockumentary and I loved her music. But I gave it a go.

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She's One of Us

I LOVE when Spirit steps in to save the day! 💖⭐️ Last summer, I had the privilege of visiting the Arthur Findlay College with dear friends, with the added bonus of a few days in Paris. 🇫🇷 And the day we toured Versailles became one of those experiences that will forever be part of my "Spirit is Amazing" lexicon.

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Mailbox Money

Such a Full-Circle moment for me! Twenty years ago, when my grandfather passed, I became fascinated with mediumship and watched every "John Edward Crossing Over" show, read all the books, and just assumed that I would spend a lifetime "on the outside looking in" as some incredible people displayed their mediumistic abilities. Then after reading one of John Edward's books, I said out loud to my grandfather in Spirit, "If this stuff is real, and you're ok, I need you to send me a check in the mail for $127.52 so I can buy two tickets to see John Edward...

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The Crown

Spirit blows my mind! I was Reading for a client and became aware of a Spirit Guide-like energy for her that I couldn't quite put my finger on, as it didn't look like any of the divine feminine archetypes, angels, or Ascended Masters. It felt like my client's Higher Soul Self. I clearly saw her wearing a big gold crown made of moons and stars. ⭐️🌙 My client gasped in delight when I described it, and you can imagine my shock and joy when she showed me this photo of her (face cropped for privacy).

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Mary Magdalene's Roses

🌹Such fun! I love when clients send me validation from a Reading. Yesterday, I felt a strong connection to Mary Magdalene during a session, and I felt that I had to acknowledge a painting that she had played a part in creating for the Sitter. I saw a woman's face with a "crown" made of big, beautiful, pink and white roses. My wonderful Sitter shared this photo with me, of a gorgeous painting that her son created for her! You just can't make this stuff up!

Yin Yang

Delightful! Today I gave a distant Reiki healing session to a woman who recently broke her right leg, just above the ankle. After the healing, which her cat also thoroughly enjoyed, I felt nudged to pull a card. Check out the Yin Yang symbol under the right foot of the woman on the card... that matches the tattoo on my client's right leg! A nod of encouragement to stay positive on her healing journey, to continue seeking balance, to trust that it serves a purpose and that all is well.

Smack me in the face with a Lotus flower, please

I love how the Universe sends us incredible signs and synchronicities when we need them most! When I was moving into my first solo studio space, I wanted to be sure that I landed in the right spot to grow my business and serve Spirit. As I flew across the country, I was reviewing the lease agreement for a potential space I had found in the Lotus Spa. I asked my team to smack me in the face with a lotus flower if they wanted me to sign the lease. I really like obvious and timely signs, and I didn't want it open to mis-interpretation.

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